Volunteer@Valentines day run

Last sunday, I helped out in the Valentines day run at the traditional games booth.
Was quite a meaningful event cause the elderly made the roses for the past 1 & 1/2 months.
Each lady who completed the race would receive a rose.
The proceeds of the run would go to the charity.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.









My exams are coming up next week, and the papers are consecutively on-going ( omg & 2 papers on weds) which I’m a little burdened about. But I believe that I can do it!
Hehe omg, and thank God the spa practical test is OPEN BOOK AFTER ALL! (PHEW)
I hope you guys have been doing great!
I’ve been pretty happy recently!
Though it’s simple, life has been great for me, I’m happy. 🙂


what saturday is all about

Today is yet another Saturday.
I really thank God for much grace today.
It’s been a tough week, been really stressed about school and tests. Shall mention that i’ve been lost on the way to cg cause i missed 10 stops away from my bus stop, how can anyone possibly miss so many stops. Washed my hair with body soap instead of shampoo. But I’m glad thats all over.

Saturday, when i get to serve and see the kids.
Honestly it can be real tiring to handle a bunch of kids.
However it was a great day cause they listened better today because of the packet of candies in my hands. That never fails to get the attention to all/most of the kids. Trust me, it’s very effective. 🙂 (but i try not to do it often, sweets are not really good for them but yea..)

On the way back on the bus, i tested them the bible memory verse.
And for some reason they were all very participative. *kudos*
They started to read from their notes, but today they started actually memorising them. By doing so, they thought they can gain some sweets. And they did. 🙂

Afterward, head down to JB with BX.
The first shop we went to was love, hope faith.. smth like that. It was a CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE AT JB. haha amazing, so that was our first stop. I was super excited luh, so many Jesus stuff around- at kinda cheap prices, makes me really happy. I bought some REALLY CUTE AND CHEAP stickers, scheduler, and pencil case from there. 🙂
And we watched frozen afterwards. 🙂 Going to JB was for the movie, it’s like only rm14 means 5.6sg?! ON A WEEKEND.
yeap, the movie is nice with alot of singing, which i quite enjoyed.

We saw this cute angel.. cause its gonna be christmas!
Btw, one thing i like abt Christmas is that Christmas carols are openly played in shopping malls. Hearing the name of Jesus while shopping, haha awesome.

angel :)

angel 🙂



We had our dessert at the rooftop area, there’s a cafe called “Humble beginnings”. It’s quite a pretty name i think. 😀 The ambience is nice too, the colour theme of blue and white makes it chill and relaxing.

yummy cakes~ Yay! One of the things that makes a happy person.

yummy cakes~ Yay! One of the things that makes a happy person.








Thanks for the fellowship today, I had fun.
It was a great day today! Good night darlings, sweet dreams. lovelove 🙂


randomness are my thoughts




I know that love is something emotional because feelings are involved. However you can control your actions. it’s straightforward but I find it annoying when guys change their ‘targets’ like how girls change their clothes, so fickle. Why do you even tell her that you love her when you are going to like someone else few weeks or months later.. that is not even love, it’s more like lust. Be a man, don’t live by your emotions because it will lead to pain for both you and the other person. 

Tell a girl that you love her and love someone else one month later, It’s better if you just keep that little crush to yourself. 

If you are going to tell a girl you love her, be thick skinned and persevere.. if the both of you are compatible, I believe that faithfulness and perseverance will move her eventually. Be a man, do the right thing. haha, just some of my thoughts and randomness that i want to rant on my wordpress..

Love is a beautiful thing. I still believe in love. 🙂 



Honestly, I don’t know much about bg relationships.

But I think it’s okay to have crushes..

Sometimes, you can lie and say that you don’t.

But be honest to yourself and to God, He knows what’s in your heart.

Doesn’t mean you will definitely be with him/her,

just that you got to know that you don’t need that person just to be happy. But if you’re ever going to be with him/her, it’s a brownie earned!

Maybe a little prayer will make sure you’re on the right track. 🙂


A Prayer for When You Are Crushed by a Crush:

( http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/PrayerAndCounseling/Intercession/Waggoner0302.aspx)

Dear Father of my spirit, I know that having a crush isn’t a big deal to many people, but it is big deal to me. I just like _________ so much, that I cannot quit thinking about __________ [him or her]. I don’t know if _______________ will ever like me, but help me remember that you want the best for me. I have to keep the right perspective on this situation and keep in mind that I don’t need anyone but you to be happy. Father, help me keep my feelings in check and keep you first in my life. Be with me as I deal with this crushing crush. In your name, Amen.
