21 best things about being in a relationship

It’s 2:30am and I can’t bring my butt to bed yet. So I shall do something really random like writing stuff like the following. Although some people would rather not be in a relationship because of the heart breaks or maybe they have been deeply hurt by their ex-es before, I still believe that love is a beautiful thing that far outweighs the cons of being in a relationship. (unless the person you’re with is a total jerk/ someone whom is not trust-able)

To some,

An ideal boyfriend: Someone who is handsome, muscular, gentleman, thick eyebrows, double eyelids, earns alot of money, has a good career prospect, cares for family, loyal, charismatic, have 5 C’s: car & cash & condo & credit card & country club membership……. etc etc..

An ideal girlfriend: Someone who has pretty face, big boobs, big eyes, nice legs, nice curves, nice hair, cook well, compliments him, feminine, skinny, submissive, nice….. etc etc.. man are visual beings.

Tell me how many people are able to be so lucky to able to find someone whom is someone whom you fall in love with + carries your ideal bf/gf qualities.  That is why, you should dump away the ideal list and look for something more practical & also don’t friend-zone all your guy friends. They’re your friends for a good reason. You guys click well together, get each other’s jokes, understand each other so at least give them a chance. But if you found one whom fits the ideal list then good for you. 😀

Maybe just pick out some important qualities that are a must have. Like if the person is nice, gentleman, mature, mainly have a good personality. And also if he plans for his future, someone who may not be successful now but he is working towards it.

Here is a list of 21 best things about being in a relationship ( own opinion) :

  1. You know that someone is always there for you
  2. You receive more hugs
  3. There’s always someone to accompany you for shopping
  4. You have someone to carry things for you
  5. You get to shop for more things ( both ladies & man’s items)
  6. There’s someone to finish up your food for you
  7. Occasional flowers
  8. You have someone to cook/ bake with
  9. There’s always someone you can talk to
  10. You feel loved
  11. You have a movie buddy
  12. Someone has the same goals as you
  13. Someone keeps you motivated to become better
  14. Good morning and night texts
  15. There’s someone always watching out for you
  16. Someone who knows all your insecurities and problems but still loves you in spite of them
  17. You found someone who understands you
  18. You’re constantly reassured of your aspirations and talents
  19. You have a cheerleader
  20. Doing mundane things together can be fun
  21. You can be yourself at all times, but you know that at the end of the day, someone still loves you.

Anyways this is just some of my personal opinion so don’t take it so seriously. haha it may sound legit/ not legit to you but yeah. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed reading this post & I shall talk to you again soon!



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Ps: If you like my blog, do leave me a comment! haha at least i know you exist. ❤


Pointless importance 

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think is important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. 



Tribute to Mr Lee Kwan Yew

Dear Mr Lee,

Thanks for giving up your life to build a successful Singapore. Although I have never seen you in person before, but I’ve always respected you and see you as my grandpa. You have such a loving face, that looks so kind and warm. You’re a legend, a great leader & definitely greatly loved by millions. You may have left this world, but you will always be alive in the hearts of Singaporeans. Being upright, serving the people tirelessly, transforming a mudflat into a metropolis, takes someone really SPECIAL to do it. Thank you for all that you did for Singapore. ❤



Are you truely happy.

Who do you live to please?
Having your own thoughts/ choices is NOT being selfish.
You are not robots, you are free to have a mind of your own.
Subconsiously, you will do certain things just to please someone.
But, you all you get is a low self esteem and you will get tired eventually.
Do what makes your life a meaningful one. 🙂

No one has a perfect life.
Happiness is a choice.
You are only how happy according to how much you let yourself be.







A person with a changed heart seeks praises from God not from people.
– Romans 2:29


Next chapter

Thoughts been in my mind, but words are few.
I’m thankful that my life seems to be pretty peaceful now,
wells must thank my emotions for being nice to me for quite a while now.
I don’t hurt/ get upset like I used to.. Haha probably cause I moved on from the painful part of my life already. The pain that once bothered me so often has faded.
I’ve embarked on the next chapter of my life. 🙂

Shall be “quotey” today, and let my post be filled with quotes! ❤
Enjoy 🙂




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Just another part to the “Apple tree story”

My buddy told me another part of the apple tree story.

“Sometimes guys who pick apples too high up the tree and are afraid of heights and have only admiration for the apple but didn’t want the apple for themselves, they keep telling themselves they don’t want the apple but in the end when an apple drops into their hand they realized it might be better for the apple on top to find someone even more daring and the guy who is afraid of height is genuinely happy as long as she is happy. ”

Everything happens for a reason yea? Somehow things just go the way we didn’t expect them to. But what to do, things just don’t go according to plan.

Just remember to take one step at a time, you’ll never know what you’ll do.. unless you are at that moment and time.
Embrace what’s called the present.
And make wise decisions now, so that you won’t regret next time.
I guess things happen because of choices.
Anyways, I’ll be having exams the whole of next week.
So please keep me in prayers if you can. 🙂

Here are some quotes,










And ….

some of my love for you~
Shall update more soon, xoxo.


chill and get a job because.. its hols.



I haven’t been typing for a while, and i miss it. 🙂 

I have been great, busy with work for the past week and I shall take a break for now. 

Life hasn’t been much of a drama for me recently, been happy actually. I have been spending more time with my bestie and friends and just feel that it has been comfortable just like that. I’m really thankful for that peace i have with me now. 

I want to dwell more in happy thoughts. 

It’s hols now, and most people are going on vacation to other countries, taking planes.. But I am just happily living in Singapore, occasionally visualizing myself going to PARIS (with my lover in the future), TAIWAN, BANGKOK, KOREA.. etc..  i want to go to a snowy country too. hahaha i hope i can really go to those places in the future after i saved enough money.  

For now, the student with limited pocket money will continue to find jobs, save money, and continue dreaming. 








