Just another part to the “Apple tree story”

My buddy told me another part of the apple tree story.

“Sometimes guys who pick apples too high up the tree and are afraid of heights and have only admiration for the apple but didn’t want the apple for themselves, they keep telling themselves they don’t want the apple but in the end when an apple drops into their hand they realized it might be better for the apple on top to find someone even more daring and the guy who is afraid of height is genuinely happy as long as she is happy. ”

Everything happens for a reason yea? Somehow things just go the way we didn’t expect them to. But what to do, things just don’t go according to plan.

Just remember to take one step at a time, you’ll never know what you’ll do.. unless you are at that moment and time.
Embrace what’s called the present.
And make wise decisions now, so that you won’t regret next time.
I guess things happen because of choices.
Anyways, I’ll be having exams the whole of next week.
So please keep me in prayers if you can. 🙂

Here are some quotes,










And ….

some of my love for you~
Shall update more soon, xoxo.


Volunteer@Valentines day run

Last sunday, I helped out in the Valentines day run at the traditional games booth.
Was quite a meaningful event cause the elderly made the roses for the past 1 & 1/2 months.
Each lady who completed the race would receive a rose.
The proceeds of the run would go to the charity.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.









My exams are coming up next week, and the papers are consecutively on-going ( omg & 2 papers on weds) which I’m a little burdened about. But I believe that I can do it!
Hehe omg, and thank God the spa practical test is OPEN BOOK AFTER ALL! (PHEW)
I hope you guys have been doing great!
I’ve been pretty happy recently!
Though it’s simple, life has been great for me, I’m happy. 🙂


Happy Valentines Day

You must be wondering, how did I celebrate my Valentines day.
I’m glad you asked. Hahaha :p

I went to school for my LAST Macroecons lesson! OMG YES.
Haha & then I headed home to change & prepare.. made poor Bing Xi wait for about half an hour.
And we headed to Vivo city for dinner at Menya Musashi.






Miso chicken ramen

Miso chicken ramen

White duck ramen

White duck ramen

Went Chinatown for Kbox with the cg members to celebrate our love for each other. 🙂

Kbox time!

Kbox time!





Had an enjoyable V day with a bunch of lovelies of E412. :)

Had an enjoyable V day with a bunch of lovelies of E412. 🙂

2014-02-15 00.38.01

2014-02-15 00.35.54

Haha thankful I avoided the feeling of loneliness (esp on vday) I felt for the past few years.
Valentines day this year was great, I'm glad I had someone to spend it with.
Thanks Bing Xi for the planning & going the extra mile just to make this day a little more special. 🙂
Thanks E412 for spending Valentines tgt, yall are my LOVE! XOXO 🙂

Somehow this post seems to contradict my previous posts- if you know what i mean. But it’s alright!! HAHA

Valentines day is nice if you have crushes/bf/gf/husband/wive, but you can also spend it with the ones you love! (or simply stay at home and chill )
To sum it all, I hope you had a great Valentines day too! Love you guys!


Chingay 2014

Saturday, I had to serve in children’s church.
And went to Chingay with Dhanu in the evening!
The pictures are from the back to the front. hehe.
I went Chingay as a helper, but this year i came as a spectator. 😀

The cute pebble art that we made!!

The cute pebble art that we made!!

2014-02-09 00.34.56

cai sheng ye

cai sheng ye

My horoscope! Dog

My horoscope! Dog

2014-02-08 22.37.51

No, it's not on fire, just bright lighting of the stage cause of some performance.

No, it’s not on fire, just bright lighting of the stage cause of some performance.

Dhanu with her goat horoscope

Dhanu with her goat horoscope

Dhanu e monkey

Dhanu e monkey

This is super big, looks like a real temple.. Big enough i think if it's real with doors, there's space for alot of ppl to go in.

This is super big, looks like a real temple.. Big enough i think if it’s real with doors, there’s space for alot of ppl to go in.

2014-02-08 22.32.28

2014-02-08 22.30.14

2014-02-08 22.29.19

2014-02-08 22.28.06

Us at the red-colour section of Chingay. hehe!

Us at the red-colour section of Chingay. hehe!

2014-02-08 21.48.27

Fireworks!! it was too smokey, so the fireworks weren't clear. Yay, i love fireworks! And it was just above us!!

Fireworks!! it was too smokey, so the fireworks weren’t clear. Yay, i love fireworks! And it was just above us!!

2014-02-08 21.44.56

2014-02-08 21.44.49

2014-02-08 21.42.14

Move forward, one people

Move forward, one people

2014-02-08 21.41.08

2014-02-08 21.40.58

Finale of Chingay

Finale of Chingay

2014-02-08 21.32.38

2014-02-08 21.31.54

2014-02-08 21.31.46

This was some gardening community. Haha with fireworks on top!

This was some gardening community. Haha with fireworks on top!

2014-02-08 21.30.38

2014-02-08 21.28.33

2014-02-08 21.27.15

2014-02-08 21.27.07

2014-02-08 21.26.11

Oh these are giant human puppets, kinda freaky looking cause of their giant hands & faces.

Oh these are giant human puppets, kinda freaky looking cause of their giant hands & faces.

CDC. hahaha i just took this pic, cause  they gave me my bursary :p

CDC. hahaha i just took this pic, cause they gave me my bursary :p

2014-02-08 21.24.21

2014-02-08 21.24.11

This is the first time Singapore getai came to Chingay.

This is the first time Singapore getai came to Chingay.

2014-02-08 21.18.07

Ppl from ge tai singing- the lady singing had super high pitch voice.

Ppl from ge tai singing- the lady singing had super high pitch voice.

2014-02-08 21.14.24

Lion dancers!

Lion dancers!

2014-02-08 20.29.36

Gigantic horsey!

Gigantic horsey!

2014-02-08 20.29.04

2014-02-08 20.27.58

2014-02-08 20.27.45

2014-02-08 20.27.35

2014-02-08 20.26.15

2014-02-08 20.20.54

2014-02-08 20.20.42

Can see those 2 horses? They are real, and super pretty!! :)

Can see those 2 horses? They are real, and super pretty!! 🙂

Long queue.  And omg, llao llao (yogurt shop) doesn't provide plastic bag. I had to put it in my baggggg cause i had to take the train.

Long queue.
And omg, llao llao (yogurt shop) doesn’t provide plastic bag. I had to put it in my baggggg cause i had to take the train.

llao llao sanum yogurt

llao llao sanum yogurt

We went River Ang Bao to da bao laksa &
The day ended with a romantic dinner at the riverside of MBS.
Was therapeutic just sitting by the river & chatting til v late. I really enjoyed it 🙂
Thankful to Dhanu’s bro for sending us home!

Hope you guys had a wonderful if not, a chill weekend too. Muacks! 🙂


10 reasons why Munjun is single

After seeing facebook spammed with links like:
10 reasons why he likes her..
14 birthday ideas for a girl..
10 reasons why you should date a girl who travels.. ETC,

I decided to write a personal “10 reasons why munjun is single” about myself.
haha just for fun yea?
Here it goes..

“10 reasons why Munjun is single”

1) Afraid to get too close-
Whenever someone gets too close to her, She’d tend to keep a distance.

2) Love triangle-
When a certain person likes her, but sadly she have no feelings for him.
And when she likes someone, he don’t have feelings for her.

3) Timing wrong-
Guys who chased her, tend to give up the moment she likes them.

4) A good liar-
When she like someone and the person likes her, She’d fool herself into thinking she don’t like them.
The guy will think she doesn’t like him and then, moves on.

5) Shy

6) Wants a suitable guy from church
Most people say, any guy from church will do.
But she doesn’t think so.. to her, it’s important for the guy to be spiritually stable & excited then her.

7) Looks is important to a certain extent
She also wants to be with a pleasant/handsome looking guy. hehe.

8) Maturity-
Not old, but mature-THINKING guys.

9) Waiting for true love-
Doesn’t want to jump into just any relationship. But all she wants is just someone who loves her deeply, someone she can see a future with, and not a guy who treats her like just another girl to chase.

10) Time is not right
She choose to believe that love will come someday.



Today marks the last day of Chinese New Year (CNY) hol!
Have school tmr, sobs.

I had an awesome time ice skating with my dearest siminy today.



I got some make-up stuff today too. And my first falsies- (my first time wearing it got judged until i never wore it til now. But now, I shall not care what others think. )


I felt that time seems to fly past so quickly before I can actually slow down to enjoy it.
Time seems to be slipping past WAY TOO FAST.
Seems like there were so many people who were once in my life, once important,
are now no longer in this season of my life.
Which makes me kinda sad once and then.
Which is why i like looking back at photographs as they hold the memories that brings me back to where we were.
And I would miss them once in a while- often actually.
I think it’s a silly wish, but i wish that everyone whom were important to me would always be in every season of my life. But I guess it doesn’t happen that way.

I’m a thinker.