Happy Valentines Day

You must be wondering, how did I celebrate my Valentines day.
I’m glad you asked. Hahaha :p

I went to school for my LAST Macroecons lesson! OMG YES.
Haha & then I headed home to change & prepare.. made poor Bing Xi wait for about half an hour.
And we headed to Vivo city for dinner at Menya Musashi.






Miso chicken ramen

Miso chicken ramen

White duck ramen

White duck ramen

Went Chinatown for Kbox with the cg members to celebrate our love for each other. 🙂

Kbox time!

Kbox time!





Had an enjoyable V day with a bunch of lovelies of E412. :)

Had an enjoyable V day with a bunch of lovelies of E412. 🙂

2014-02-15 00.38.01

2014-02-15 00.35.54

Haha thankful I avoided the feeling of loneliness (esp on vday) I felt for the past few years.
Valentines day this year was great, I'm glad I had someone to spend it with.
Thanks Bing Xi for the planning & going the extra mile just to make this day a little more special. 🙂
Thanks E412 for spending Valentines tgt, yall are my LOVE! XOXO 🙂

Somehow this post seems to contradict my previous posts- if you know what i mean. But it’s alright!! HAHA

Valentines day is nice if you have crushes/bf/gf/husband/wive, but you can also spend it with the ones you love! (or simply stay at home and chill )
To sum it all, I hope you had a great Valentines day too! Love you guys!


Valentines day. <3

Happy Valentines day! ESP to all the couples! 🙂 It’s a season of love, and I can’t stop but feel the fairytale mood too. I love seeing the guys giving the girls flowers, chocolates, balloons and all because it’s so sweet! It seems like a fairytale, where the prince and princess are deeply in love with each other. And then they’ll live happily ever after.

However, truth is, falling in love is easy but staying in love is tough.
A psychologist, Doc Robi, said that it takes about 8.2seconds for a man to fall in love. (Wow, imagine how many girls a guy likes.. I was joking.)

Vday is supposedly meant for lovers. But anyways, love doesn’t necessarily have to be expressed toward ur husband, wife, bf, gf.
Love is? God is love. It is God’s name! Therefore He is our ultimate lover! ❤

❤ Quotes.

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.

Friendship is like the relation between hands and eyes. It's like when the hand gets hurt, the eye cries, and when the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.

When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed I had the urge to laugh with you, but when you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.

You really know you love someone when all you want is for them to be happy, even if that means that you are not a part of it.

Ultimate lover.