Trick eye museum at the peak Hong kong

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Hong kong was a really fun trip! Although planning and spending time to research about the place was helpful, when we reached, things were quite different. The streets were more complicated then we think it is as there were many streets and it really all look pretty similar. Plus, as a direction idiot, we had a tougher time going around places.

The streets of hong kong look like the ones in the dramas, but i really treasure the cleanliness of Singapore’s streets and buildings alot! I’m thankful that we managed to go to the places that we wanted to go to play like Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean park and Victoria peak were our must go. The living expenses in Hong Kong is really high! I brought 1k there and spent it all away within 5 days. Meaning each day, i spent SGD200. It’s really more costly as compared to the previous countries that I visited like Thailand or Indonesia where I could spend on whatever I wanted and still have enough money left. But in HK, we had to watch what we buy.

And warning, there will be a lot of people from mainland china and philipines… so yeah be warned!!! (and try not to complain too much to make it a more enjoyable trip) heheh 🙂