Update day 2

Hello day 2 of work. Today I’m going to work without Hazimah. There was 3 days of information overload ( orientation+work related things to memorize). But the people are really nice and family oriented. I think I still need time to adapt though. Haha today will be a better day! Thanks for those who have been keeping me in prayers, appreciate it many many! 🙂



Honestly, I don’t know much about bg relationships.

But I think it’s okay to have crushes..

Sometimes, you can lie and say that you don’t.

But be honest to yourself and to God, He knows what’s in your heart.

Doesn’t mean you will definitely be with him/her,

just that you got to know that you don’t need that person just to be happy. But if you’re ever going to be with him/her, it’s a brownie earned!

Maybe a little prayer will make sure you’re on the right track. 🙂


A Prayer for When You Are Crushed by a Crush:

( http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/PrayerAndCounseling/Intercession/Waggoner0302.aspx)

Dear Father of my spirit, I know that having a crush isn’t a big deal to many people, but it is big deal to me. I just like _________ so much, that I cannot quit thinking about __________ [him or her]. I don’t know if _______________ will ever like me, but help me remember that you want the best for me. I have to keep the right perspective on this situation and keep in mind that I don’t need anyone but you to be happy. Father, help me keep my feelings in check and keep you first in my life. Be with me as I deal with this crushing crush. In your name, Amen.
