Battle between thoughts


God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

We all have thorns in our flesh, I would love to never have to battle with another negative thought, or have a suspicious thought of another person, and I wish that all my thoughts were lovely and beautiful. But I still have to control myself and choose right.

My weaknesses keep me knowing that God, you got to help me if you don’t help me I can’t make it. Staying in a point where you say God without you, I am nothing. Anything good thing happens is all glory to God. What God wants to see is that you are pressing on.
One way to tell when someone is getting too full of themselves is when start to mistreat other people.
Give God what I am but especially, everything you are not.
Loving God will bring you a long way.
Even if you are in a mess, you are God’s mess.
When the devil starts to tell you everything you are not, thank God for using you anyway.
God knew who you are when he called you. God sees what we can be if we get our eyes off on what we’re not and get our eyes on Him.

Personal ❤ :
I have always been trying to be the lovely person to only think of positive and happy thoughts. But obviously negative thoughts would set in and it's hard to struggle to choose right over wrong sometimes. Yes, I guess I'm in a mess now.. constantly fighting off negative thoughts that are coming to me, (but I'm in God's mess). hehe *winks* My weakness is probably speaking out what I actually think/feel.. which is why i think this blog exists.

Next blog, would be talking about.. my batam trip.
Omg, batam trip again? haha yes! Good night sweet dreams! 🙂


Have a great attitude :)

Proverbs 4:13

Pastor Phil Pringle- Attitude
Always have a great attitude.
Always find humour in everything, see the funny side.
The more you have God encounters, the more Christ like you will be.
There are always attitudes that always creep up to you.

You are going to rise to the attitude you have.
Even when people are dumping on you, that’s when you know how strong are you, guarding your attitude.
Whatever dirt that is dumped on you, shake it off, you can use them to climb higher in life.
Your attitude is going to be on your reaction.
It is going to let you live or die.
When Jesus was reviled, and hated and persecuted, he returned with honey. He didn’t become sour, threats and arguments, He didn’t let them get to him.
Don’t let anyone bring you down to their level by responding to their attitude that they are sending your way.
Be baptised in the holy attitude and Holy Spirit.
You are a separate person, you have a different attitude, and you are like a light in the darkness. People will think how come you are so peaceful in a crisis, have a holy attitude.
Every part of your life comes out of your attitude.

Your attitude is going to spread, it is contagious.
A group having an electric shock were measured in their brainwaves; people watching are also having the same trepidations. Emotions are contagious.
It’s not about how many people, but it’s about the courage and faith that we have.
Proverbs 25 & 28
You never want to let anger off the leash.
To have the ability to rule over your attitude
When Jesus was on the cross, he was thinking about His mother. He was still filled with grace and peace under the worst pressure. He wasn’t returning the same amount of attitude that was coming his way. Blessing those who are cursing Him.

One element to a great attitude
Willing hearted: The willing hearted, nothing is too hard for them. You don’t have to drag them in life and find excuses. When you got an unwilling attitude, you will feel that you cannot get on the same page as everybody else in life. It’s always like I’m not sure about coming along, I’m not sure about being here or doing that. The willing always has solutions.
When you are willing hearted, you don’t know how you can, we do what we can. Even when you are not that keen of doing what I’m being asked to do, that’s when I can rule my spirit and say I’m going to do. You don’t know how willing you are to serve God until you are asked to do something you don’t really want to do. When you can see a reason to change your attitude.
You can rule over your spirit, smile, get yourself baptised from the Holy Spirit.


positivity is a choice

Just because You are a ________(whoever u are), doesn’t mean that you have to always stay happy all the time.
You may be a Christian, but you can be upset or down just like anyone else.
Anyone is prone to falling, but not everyone gets up the same time as others.
Sometimes I wonder, if i were to fall then what would happen..
most probably things that i used to be responsible for would be neglected.
Whenever I have to make a decision, whether to stay or leave, i would think.. of the responsibilities i hold.
Am i going to just let it all go like that?
If i were to stay down, I would only be more miserable, lonely, irresponsible, insecure, and basically pathetic because i would only ponder in the negatives. At the end of the day, i would be left with defeat.

But if i were to stay strong and fight, I would have to keep getting up, keep being strong, keep learning, smile even though i don’t feel like it, sometimes pretend that everything is alright and just move on with life.. so that someday the pain i feel inside will be healed through time.

Am i going to choose to think of the negative things or the positive things?
But for now, i learnt that, it takes a decision to be happy.
People want the pain to be gone, but what do they do? They water their pain everyday by thinking of the very thing that brings back memories and so the pain never leaves, instead, it grows.

To be a happier person, you need to be well secured with at least some good friends around you to keep you going.
I want you to be happy, i want the people around me to choose to be happy.
Because sometimes, happiness is something you have to fight for.
Choose to thank God for the past, and choose to thank God for both the negative and the positive things in life.
because the negative things teaches you life lessons & teaches you to be stronger in life.
the positive things are blessings which God poured into your life.
And i know for sure that once you have gone through the fire, you will only come out purer, like gold.


my sunshines




You only live once,
go crazy,
have fun,
Let go of all that’s weighing your down, and have a great life! Keep moving on!
Be thankful for another day.
Be grateful for much things.
I’m glad to have my dear ones with me, to spend time tgt, shop tgt, cry tgt, have fun tgt. Just spending time tgt.
I’m happy for up and also, down moments.
friends are those who have fun with you and laugh with you,
but only true and best friends stay with you when ur at your darkest period, they stay with you when you have nothing to offer except whining and tears.
When everyone leaves you, the only one who stays are God, your family and true friends.
Although it’ll be nice to have a lot of friends, really,
but I believe i just need some, i just need those whom will be with me to weather storms and enjoy sunshines tgt.



Where are you?

When things go wrong it’s easy to ask, ” Jesus, Where are You when i need you?” It seems that I have failed you or that My love and patience have run out. At times like that your faith is being tested, and when you react in doubt rather than faith, you limit My ability to help you. It can become a vicious cycle.

Yet there are some people who remain positive, no matter what their circumstances. How can they face disappointments and even disaster so calmly? It’s because they have strong faith in My love and the promises I’ve made in My word. It’s because they have sought and found a personal link with Me. It’s because they have learnt to turn to Me in their times of need. It’s not that their faith is never tested, but they know where to turn to for the help they need to pass the test.

Here’s the secret to that kind of victory: Prepare for the hard times by learning to stay close to Me when times are good. Make a point of looking for My loving hand at work around you. Count your blessings. Cultivate an attitude of faith and trust and thankfulness. Then when the going gets tough, you will know I’m only a prayer away.

Credits: From Jesus with love-For troubled times.


it’s a new year





It’s a new year, I’ve finally written down my new year resolutions, which revolves around God, Family, Ministry, friends, studies and myself. I will choose to always be positive in 2013, always being a happy person by having a different attitude. 

I am not going to let my circumstances pull me down, i will hold on to the promises of God daily, and smile always! 

It’s going to be a year of faith. 🙂 


Photo time! happily taking pictures by myself.. :]







