So how’s life been for you?Β 

Well if you’re interested, feel free to read on. πŸ™‚ 

Life has been nothing short of miracles & meaning. It has been a process of learning mainly. There’s just so much to learn at every stage of life. And as for me, now I’m a young adult who just graduated from polytechnic & ready to enter into the working world. I’ve been working in an office at a Japanese insurance company, for 2 months now. The beginning wasn’t easy at all and I’ve been told at, embarrassed at, nagged at etc.. It wasn’t an easy start. I’ve spent many hours ranting at Bx & my friends abt it. Haha but that’s work, gotta suck it up and just do your work properly to avoid scoldings. No worries, I’m getting the hang of it. 

I’ve been thinking about life recently, haha like life and death. Somehow hearing abt ppl dying.. Makes me feel how precious life is. Hmm, and how I wish I can live on this earth forever and not die. Anyway moving on~ 

I’ve been happy and really blessed so far. Really contented for what I do have right now like health, youth, clothes, family, shelter, food, love, enough money and a job. 

Though I’m happy, there are definitely some disappointments la. Like how I could have done to make things better, maybe I can be a better friend, sister, or person to the ppl around me. Maybe not let them down as much.. And such. Haha πŸ™‚ ok la, but I still think I’m a good person. Hahahaha at least I tried to be. πŸ˜€ but of course I have my moments where I’m not that nice like talking bad abt a hateful person. Anyways I’ll write again soon whenever. πŸ™‚ Toodles! 


Nua worm

Hello it’s me, finally ended my internship 3 weeks ago & now currently busy rotting at home all day watching korean dramas (Hotel king!!! ), return of superman and running man. I’m kinda living the slug life now, been slacking at home everyday now. Because internship simply was draining due to the irregular shift working hours & low pay. But i’m glad its over!

Been thinking about life & existence recently.. religion & such.. haha maybe cause i’ve been away from church for a while & reality starts creeping in slowly. I was away from church & serving in children’s church for like the longest time.. I miss the feeling of having company, the days when I felt like I had a lot of friends around me. The days when children’s church was my responsibility & it was what kept me disciplined to wake up every saturday morning to serve. I miss the kids but i feel that i’m still not prepared to go back to continue the routine. I’m not prepared to go through the motion like what i did before. (it’s really tiring) or maybe it’s the only right thing to do.

It’s time for me to kick my butt and start doing some stuff again! Been packing my bed area, haha and i can say i keep ALOT of nonsense things.. i’m a really sentimental person i think, i love keeping random stuff like plushies, keychains, things that people give me in the past, to really nonsensical things like wrapping paper with words on them, the running number ( the number tag that u hook on ur shirt during runs), Β i think the most meaningful one would be letters & photo albums. It’s like a habit since young.. even when i was young i would collect alot of items that are meaningful to me. Omg i think i even have the leotard (costume) & the ballet looking shoes that i used when i was gymnastics. I love looking at them and repacking them when i have the free time.. maybe once a year or when they get really dusty. Memories~

Anyway, thanks for whoever reading this whole lot of words that do not really have any point other then my random thoughts.

Slug me, signing off!


Time with you

Have you ever had a bad day? I know I do, and bad things just happen one after another.
Yesterday was one of them.
We were supposed to go for women’s meeting, so moonlingie and I walked to the MRT only to realise that she forgot her Ez-link.
As lazy girls, we decided to just buy standard tickets.
One trip is like $2.70. OMG.
We were on the train, and
Moonlingie asked me “which side of the train are we going?”
Me: Points to the more crowded area “This side”
Moonlingie: really?
Then we boarded the train.

When we were at Dakota,
Moonlingie: How many more stations to Marymount?
Me: One

At the tapping area,
Moonlingie: i cannot tap out.
So she headed to the counter and asked.. the guy asked for an additional $0.30 without any explanation and then she tapped out.
I was searching for Chiewy, but she was no where to be seen. Only to realise we were at MOUNTBATTEN(however it is spelt). When we were supposed to be at MARY MOUNT.
Sorry for making poor chiewy wait.

That dreadful day, we spent about $8 on standard tickets.
Went to wrong places, paid so much for transport, tummies were hungry.
What a day. -_-

It’s been a while since I met up with Dhanu, and it was nice.
Love the times when i can feel comfortable talking about almost anything. πŸ™‚
We went Swee Choon for dim sun- and I decided not to take any pictures of the food today. Just eat only.
Time spent chatting and catching up is always great. XOXO.
After that, I took 67 with Dhanu, alighted at Bukit Timah, took 961 back home.
It was a long ride home.



After that, hahahhahahahahah guess what?
ITS FINALLY HOLIDAYS! For 2 weeks! Oh- yeah~

Thanks for reading my sharing people. ❀


Battle between thoughts


God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

We all have thorns in our flesh, I would love to never have to battle with another negative thought, or have a suspicious thought of another person, and I wish that all my thoughts were lovely and beautiful. But I still have to control myself and choose right.

My weaknesses keep me knowing that God, you got to help me if you don’t help me I can’t make it. Staying in a point where you say God without you, I am nothing. Anything good thing happens is all glory to God. What God wants to see is that you are pressing on.
One way to tell when someone is getting too full of themselves is when start to mistreat other people.
Give God what I am but especially, everything you are not.
Loving God will bring you a long way.
Even if you are in a mess, you are God’s mess.
When the devil starts to tell you everything you are not, thank God for using you anyway.
God knew who you are when he called you. God sees what we can be if we get our eyes off on what we’re not and get our eyes on Him.

Personal ❀ :
I have always been trying to be the lovely person to only think of positive and happy thoughts. But obviously negative thoughts would set in and it's hard to struggle to choose right over wrong sometimes. Yes, I guess I'm in a mess now.. constantly fighting off negative thoughts that are coming to me, (but I'm in God's mess). hehe *winks* My weakness is probably speaking out what I actually think/feel.. which is why i think this blog exists.

Next blog, would be talking about.. my batam trip.
Omg, batam trip again? haha yes! Good night sweet dreams! πŸ™‚


Good night

Sometimes when my thoughts seem to be all over my head,
I can’t seem to listen to God cause I get distracted.
And so there are times when I should learn how to.. shut up and be still.
I’m the type who just simply.. do things according to how I feel.
And yea, I don’t really like standard.. I like experimenting.
I guess the way I cook tells it all.. I would cook pasta and just dump in whatever I like and cook!
And yea, I’m someone who lazily just ends my day by a short “Good night Jesus” or “I love you Jesus”. :p
Just being random today.. hehe.
Alrighty, good night dear readers.. xoxo.

Here’s a good night lullaby!


Just one step towards You

There are days when I feel dry, and empty.. days when I am far away from God.
But in times like these, you’ll tend to be more desperate & hunger for Him more.
Sometimes, I tell myself that.. I am not holy enough because I don’t….
I like to be free & have options.. & not obligations.

I guess God would always assure me that He is still with me.
He always has a special place in my heart, and no one else can take away that place.
Although I may drift away sometimes, but just listening to a single praise/worship song brings me back to God instantly. πŸ™‚
So I guess its true.. if you take one step towards to God, He will take a thousand towards you.

Guess what I say may make sense or maybe it doesn’t.. haha anyway I don’t even know if its right or wrong. But who cares.. haha I mean it’s my WordPress so I want to freely say what I want.


Volunteer@Valentines day run

Last sunday, I helped out in the Valentines day run at the traditional games booth.
Was quite a meaningful event cause the elderly made the roses for the past 1 & 1/2 months.
Each lady who completed the race would receive a rose.
The proceeds of the run would go to the charity.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.

Participated at valentines day run for the first time at Bedok reservoir with the spa babes.









My exams are coming up next week, and the papers are consecutively on-going ( omg & 2 papers on weds) which I’m a little burdened about. But I believe that I can do it!
Hehe omg, and thank God the spa practical test is OPEN BOOK AFTER ALL! (PHEW)
I hope you guys have been doing great!
I’ve been pretty happy recently!
Though it’s simple, life has been great for me, I’m happy. πŸ™‚


Little joys in working

10 continuous day of working + school is no joke,
now i know how it feels.
Working is really fun cause of the people I met.
The neighboring aunty was super nice and helped me when I needed as I was the only one in the stall. πŸ˜€
On thurs, an uncle who plays magic came to my shop and performed for me to see! Haha it’s super amazing, he did some tricks with the rubber band, cards, and stuff. I super love to watch such stuff, feels like Liu Qian was in front of me. haha πŸ™‚
Yest, was more interesting cause.. people were really nice to me! The neighbouring aunty asked me if i needed lunch & I just asked her to get what she was getting, so she got me chicken rice. Then in the evening, she got me a pack of chicken rice again cause she was worried I didn’t have time to get food. Super sweet la, but haha but chicken rice overload..
Oh and the neighboring China guy who works in the coffee stall was also super nice, he bought drinks for his colleagues and then got one for me too! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Feeling really touched by these little actions. Makes working alot more happier. πŸ™‚
And yeap, yest there’s this guy who asked if I knew magic, so I told him i only know one trick.
Then I showed him luh..
He said smth like if he can do the magic, He would have to ask me out (which he didn’t luh).
then he did the same steps as me, but pretended he couldn’t find my card when actually he found it.
But in the end we chatted abit then shook hands then he left. Hahaha omg he was super cute though.. hahaha, just saying just saying.

I’ve been working alone in the stall for the past week, and yay i won’t be alone anymore cause the in-charge is back!! Thankful that he got me pretty pink souvenir from Bangkok. πŸ˜€

Anyways, thanks for reading this whole lot of me rambling about work. But yea, recently that’s all i’ve been doing besides school. And school has been mundane, so yea I know I have no life. haha I will get my life back when CNY is here! πŸ™‚


Yes we can

Picture with Christy dear. Pretty lil sweetheart. :)

Picture with Christy dear. Pretty lil sweetheart. πŸ™‚

Whom I spend my sat mornings-afternoon with. <3

Whom I spend my sat mornings-afternoon with. ❀

Chinatown view, where I work part time currently. :)
Dong dong qiang~ Chinese new year is coming, I think I alr have the CNY feel cause of being in Chinatown for the
past 3 days. The crowd in Chinatown is large, and more to come in the following weeks. There are lots of goodies and food and almost everything u need here. There are lots of food samples too, like free coffee just next to my stall, the guo dou (jelly) & mochi which is really yummy. The melon king (Gua zi da wang) is also very popular.
There are really lots of stuff. The hawker centre is awesome too!! LOTS OF NICE FOOD, like xiao long bao ( 10 for $5.50), chee kueh (4 for $1), yam cake- which is like super popular, and etc.

Audience bought us drinks as a form of gratitude for the magic show. Super sweet and touched by their gesture. :)

Audience bought us drinks as a form of gratitude for the magic show. Super sweet and touched by their gesture. πŸ™‚

I guess I need more confidence in myself to perform better. haha I’m obviously not the attention seeking type, actually i’m scared of too much attention, like so stress when lots of ppl’s attention is on u. I made some mistakes while doing the tricks, but I shall try to make it better & definitely have more confidence. πŸ™‚

And here is cai sheng ye and I. :D

And here is cai sheng ye and I. πŸ˜€

Sunday morning, I’m glad I still have the energy to go service.
Service was great as always. πŸ™‚
Every week, as I stand in service, I’m just thinking how blessed I am to have such a wonderful church to be in.
How blessed am I.
“A friend is someone who loves at all times. Someone who would rekindle your inner fire when you burn out. A friend knows a song sings it for you. One who sees the pain in your eyes when everyone sees the smile. -Quoted by Pastor Kong”

It’s been a long week, been working for the past 3 days.
Got 19 days to go.. haha so long!
I can do it!!
I shall pray for strength to carry on. πŸ˜€
Monday tmr, what is Monday blues?
Enjoy your week ahead, look forward to whats ahead yea? πŸ™‚


Dreams do come , only believe

Yet another nice mundane day,
school and home.
Let’s dream..

Korea~ I’ve been trying to save up money but it really cmi since I do not have a job now.. FYI, Frolick at CCK dao bi (close down) alr. HAHA, i’m tired of worrying and getting excited over the trip (it’s like a cycle) but I can’t stop doing that. But when there’s a will, there’s a way.

Anyways, it’s always been my dream to travel! One of the reasons why is that I have never been overseas until I was in Sec 3. Not even malaysia, imagine how sad and deprived I was. I used to be very jealoussss, when people go overseas, even Malaysia…

My first overseas trip was a school immersion trip to Australia, Perth. And I count myself really blessed to be able to have the opportunity to go there. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

The first time I went Malaysia was when I was I think, 18?
And from then on, I have been going in and out of Malaysia since then.
The next country I placed my foot on was Indonesia, Batam!!
And it made me super excited and happy! Haha silly, but true. I had an AWESOME TIME there, as you can tell my joy from the previous posts. πŸ™‚

Lemme see, I’ve been to Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Haha shall I share my dream?
My dream is to go Paris with my lover, go to the top of the Eiffel tower, and kiss.
HAHAHA so shy.. but, my dream will come true~ But, I will have to find my lover first. hahaha πŸ™‚
