what saturday is all about

Today is yet another Saturday.
I really thank God for much grace today.
It’s been a tough week, been really stressed about school and tests. Shall mention that i’ve been lost on the way to cg cause i missed 10 stops away from my bus stop, how can anyone possibly miss so many stops. Washed my hair with body soap instead of shampoo. But I’m glad thats all over.

Saturday, when i get to serve and see the kids.
Honestly it can be real tiring to handle a bunch of kids.
However it was a great day cause they listened better today because of the packet of candies in my hands. That never fails to get the attention to all/most of the kids. Trust me, it’s very effective. 🙂 (but i try not to do it often, sweets are not really good for them but yea..)

On the way back on the bus, i tested them the bible memory verse.
And for some reason they were all very participative. *kudos*
They started to read from their notes, but today they started actually memorising them. By doing so, they thought they can gain some sweets. And they did. 🙂

Afterward, head down to JB with BX.
The first shop we went to was love, hope faith.. smth like that. It was a CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE AT JB. haha amazing, so that was our first stop. I was super excited luh, so many Jesus stuff around- at kinda cheap prices, makes me really happy. I bought some REALLY CUTE AND CHEAP stickers, scheduler, and pencil case from there. 🙂
And we watched frozen afterwards. 🙂 Going to JB was for the movie, it’s like only rm14 means 5.6sg?! ON A WEEKEND.
yeap, the movie is nice with alot of singing, which i quite enjoyed.

We saw this cute angel.. cause its gonna be christmas!
Btw, one thing i like abt Christmas is that Christmas carols are openly played in shopping malls. Hearing the name of Jesus while shopping, haha awesome.

angel :)

angel 🙂



We had our dessert at the rooftop area, there’s a cafe called “Humble beginnings”. It’s quite a pretty name i think. 😀 The ambience is nice too, the colour theme of blue and white makes it chill and relaxing.

yummy cakes~ Yay! One of the things that makes a happy person.

yummy cakes~ Yay! One of the things that makes a happy person.








Thanks for the fellowship today, I had fun.
It was a great day today! Good night darlings, sweet dreams. lovelove 🙂