what matters is the foundation

We have authority in Christ. God’s word in our mouth is as powerful as God’s word in his mouth. I love to hear pastor Kong’s preachings, he is getting funnier. Pastor Kong is one man whom is someone I respect. I am really amazed at how he stands strong on the promises of God even though it may be tough. Amazed at the way he gives praise to Jesus even when he feels like he is stuck in the cave and that even though there are times when he can’t seem to see light at the end of the tunnel, he is still able to praise and worship God. I am amazed at how humble he is in the presense of God. Whenever I see pastor Kong, I could just sense the pure love and meekness he has towards God. He is truly someone who stands strong on Christ the solid rock. I’m thankful that I’m planted in this church because I am sure that our foundation is on Jesus. On Christ the solid rock I stand, because the rest is just sinking sand.