
Joyce Meyer- getting on with life

Joyce meyer, been molested from 4-13, raped by her Dad at least 200 times.
Her home was a mess, mum was petrified about dad.
She married the first guy she met and ran away with other women, hurt her deeper.
She had cancer 22 years ago had to deal with that, quite a testimony.
On mess after another, after another in her life.
Didn’t get stuck in her past, still serving God.
Married now, 4 kids, 10 grandchildren and preaching the gospel all over the globe.
No matter what problems you have, healing is a process.
Everything in life is a process.
Cooking is a process, raising a child is a process; any kind of physical healing is a process. Jesus died, not for you to just breathe but have a life to enjoy. Learn how to enjoy your life.
John 5: 1-6
There is nothing sadder than a sad Christian.
Realise that you are not the only one going through what you are going through.
There are a lot of injustice, pain, and loss, but God is good and just.
… One thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.
–Philippians 3:13

I personally love her so much, i feel so encouraged after listening to her sermons. Can’t believe that after what she’s been through, she is doing what she’s doing. ❤


Everything has changed

All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn’t before
And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You’ll be mine and i’ll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

And all my walls stood tall painted blue
But i’ll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies the beautiful kind
Making up for lost time, taking flight, making me feel like

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You’ll be mine and i’ll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

Come back and tell me why
I’m feeling like i’ve missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it’s not all in my mind

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is he held the door
You’ll be mine and i’ll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain
And everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days, i’ll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed


Only this or that.

Today, I was pondering whether I should buy withdraw money to get dinner or not. Cause my expenses have been high lately.
As i was queuing to withdraw money (even as I was walking to the atm), I felt the HS kept prompting & nudging my heart to give. I was hesitating very much, although it was just a small sum to others, it mattered a lot to me since as a student + not working= no money.
After withdrawing money for dinner, if I turned left means I don’t give & if I turn right means I would be heading to the AXS.
I turned left.
But I U-turned and went to the AXS machine.
I gave my little.
But after I gave, I felt this relieve and peace in my heart.
I didn’t know why.. until I read Matthew 6:19-24 when I got home.

Matthew 6:19-24

New International Version (NIV)

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy,[b] your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Now i understand. 🙂

Anyways, enjoy the song, I love it. 🙂


A little bit stronger- Danielle Bradbery

Woke up late today and I still feel the sting of the pain
But I brushed my teeth anyway
I got dressed through the mess and put a smile on my face
I got a little bit stronger

Riding in the car to work and I’m trying to ignore the hurt
So I turned on the radio, stupid song made me think of you
I listened to it for minute but I changed it
I’m getting a little bit stronger, just a little bit stronger

And I’m done hoping that we could work it out
I’m done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I’m done thinking that you could ever change

I know my heart will never be the same
But I’m telling myself I’ll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

Doesn’t happen overnight but you turn around
And a month’s gone by and you realize you haven’t cried
I’m not giving you a hour or a second or another minute longer
I’m busy getting stronger

And I’m done hoping that we can work it out
I’m done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I’m done thinking, that you could ever change

I know my heart will never be the same
But I’m telling myself I’ll be okay
Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger
I get a little bit stronger

Getting along without you, baby
I’m better off without you, baby
How does it feel without me, baby?
I’m getting stronger without you, baby

And I’m done hoping we could work it out
I’m done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I’m done thinking that you could ever change

I know my heart will never be the same
But I’m telling myself I’ll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

I get a little bit stronger
Just a little bit stronger
A little bit, a little bit, a little bit stronger
I get a little bit stronger


Jesus meets satan

In this video, Jesus was human and tempted but He did not give in to the devil because He knew what was right.
He knew of the pain He may be facing, and He could have chosen not to do so, but he chose to die on the cross because of humanity. Jesus loves us that much.. if only all of us responds His love with our love too.

verse of the day from youversion:

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 4:15


heaven is my home

This is a really long video which takes 1hr30mins to finish, rarely people would spend so much time on watching this video and i think they might just watch halfway cause its really long. But for curious people like me, I managed to finish it. Some ppl may believe it others may not. Regardless of whether u do or not, i’m sure everyone knows heaven and hell exists. Choose life.

After watching it, I feel that its true that not many believers like to know or hear about hell and everyone just wants to know about heaven. It’s like someone whom only wants to hear the good side of the story, but in actual fact, there is always the harsh reality.
Heaven and hell is as real as earth.
But you’ve got to know very well as believers that since we know about Jesus, it’s our responsibility to let especially our loved ones to know Jesus.
And i am praying with all my heart that all the ones i love will get to heaven together with me to have eternal life.
It’s important to everyone, many people are seeking to find eternal life and are desperately wanting to know of a way to get to heaven.
There is no time to waste, nobody knows when is the time when Jesus will come back to bring the people to heaven but before he does, i really need all of my dear ones to get saved and to have their names in the book of life..
I really do.
I pray that Jesus will bring salvation along with back sliders to slide back to God.
Why am i feeling this way? Probably because now i know the reality better.