Another chapter

Hello wordpress,
I realise that I haven’t been posting for quite awhile now.
I’ve been pretty busy recently.. or i think that i am.
I went to Krabi from 6-10th August, after that kinda busy with life~
Haven’t even met simin till now after the Krabi trip!! Really needa meet her up soon.. haha
Quite alot of people’s birthday in August..

Today marks the last day of school!! WOHOOOOOO~
But, then, UT3 is coming up.. so I gotta study!!
My UT2 grades have been like cmi, so i really got to work harder for the last test of my poly life.
Looking back at my poly life, I think that i just drifted through my poly life
Friendships are hard to maintain in my years in RP, cause of misunderstandings and stuff,
so yea, just got to say that most are acquaintances & 1 close friend (Hazimah).

Internship from 8th september
I’ll be interning at Ritz Carlton soon with Hazimah,
so i’m just feeling kinda hopeful that everything will go smoothly.
Gonna be with Hazimah for the next 6 months, really thankful for having to intern at the same company as her.
There will be shifts so the timings are quite weird cause its a hotel spa.. gonna cab alot~

Chill time
I’m currently watching the return of superman & running man, sometimes abit of room mate if i have extra time. Hehe 🙂

Till then, ❤


joy joy joy

Spent hari raya with Chiewy and Bingxi. Accompanied chiewy to study while we read our books. :) Went to marina square to try out a new yogurt called laollao. haha i super love the uniquely long spoon.

Spent hari raya with Chiewy and Bingxi. Accompanied chiewy to study while we read our books. 🙂 Went to marina square to try out a new yogurt called laollao. haha i super love the uniquely long spoon.

<3 Chiewy~

❤ Chiewy~

Hehe my loveliest & fluffiest chiewy. Super love her. I always say she is like my 2nd mummy.  :)

Today i had grocery shopping with Cinthia and jiaxin then we went to my place to cook dinner. :) It was a nice day spent tgt. They are like my close secondary friends, I really treasure our friendship. :)
yay our dinner! haha and for some reason, i was craving for broccoli.. what a wierd craving.

yay our dinner! haha and for some reason, i was craving for broccoli.. what a wierd craving.

Did i mention how much i love pictures? Hehe i like to blog about my life using pictures. Because when i look back, i can reminisce the past. 🙂
I’m so happy now, cause of a happy heart.
haha i think i’m happy til i can be abit sot sot.
Wells, i’m thankful for everything.
I got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. 🙂


positivity is a choice

Just because You are a ________(whoever u are), doesn’t mean that you have to always stay happy all the time.
You may be a Christian, but you can be upset or down just like anyone else.
Anyone is prone to falling, but not everyone gets up the same time as others.
Sometimes I wonder, if i were to fall then what would happen..
most probably things that i used to be responsible for would be neglected.
Whenever I have to make a decision, whether to stay or leave, i would think.. of the responsibilities i hold.
Am i going to just let it all go like that?
If i were to stay down, I would only be more miserable, lonely, irresponsible, insecure, and basically pathetic because i would only ponder in the negatives. At the end of the day, i would be left with defeat.

But if i were to stay strong and fight, I would have to keep getting up, keep being strong, keep learning, smile even though i don’t feel like it, sometimes pretend that everything is alright and just move on with life.. so that someday the pain i feel inside will be healed through time.

Am i going to choose to think of the negative things or the positive things?
But for now, i learnt that, it takes a decision to be happy.
People want the pain to be gone, but what do they do? They water their pain everyday by thinking of the very thing that brings back memories and so the pain never leaves, instead, it grows.

To be a happier person, you need to be well secured with at least some good friends around you to keep you going.
I want you to be happy, i want the people around me to choose to be happy.
Because sometimes, happiness is something you have to fight for.
Choose to thank God for the past, and choose to thank God for both the negative and the positive things in life.
because the negative things teaches you life lessons & teaches you to be stronger in life.
the positive things are blessings which God poured into your life.
And i know for sure that once you have gone through the fire, you will only come out purer, like gold.


my friend~

As a man asks, he shall receive.. Here’s a blog post for u as requested. 🙂

Thanks Zheng Long for your efforts in making my 19th a sweeter one. Lurve the jigsaw puzzle that u hand-made, it was really unique. 🙂 I also believe that there are friends whom destroy one another, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. I’m blessed to have known you for a while now. Build ur foundation strong on Jesus, get to know more about Him. The more you seek him, the more you find Him. And when u do, u will discover the mysteries of God. 🙂

This word is what God reminded me of you:
” Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”









Be blessed.


how’s my day

It’s been a great week, quite busy with random stuff recently..


Yesterday i went to do napfa test, haha which is really random cause i wanted to join track and field as a CCA. Started off with situps, did 42 in 1 min.. hehe not bad for someone who haven’t exercise/did napfa for a long time! It’s an A.. haha but yea, i was quite confident that situps would be a breeze to get A. *hehe* Next we did shuttle run. I remember i used to find shuttle run hard cause i couldn’t brake in time to take the block and put it down. So yea, thank God i did it in 11.2 seconds.. just nice to get A. Next was standing broad jump! Omg, my short legs and all.. managed to only jump 168cm or smth? Hmph, i probably got a D for it, my Gold flew away just like that~ Anyways next was incline pull ups, and i didn’t have confidence in this.. but i did 16, it’s a B.. still, proud of myself. Oh and we did the sit and reach, got 49cm.. A.. 😀 Lastly we did 2.4km run, which is abt 6 rounds around the track. I totally didn’t have the mood to run, cause my body’s quite lazy recently. But i still did my best, went slow and steady for the first 5 rounds. This girl and I kept overtaking each other during the run, but in the end i saw her catching up her speed at the last part. So i got so motivated to gather all my strength and then CHIONG to the finishing line. hahaha so yea, overall i got a Silver I guess. Seriously quite disappointed with the standing board jump.. 

Met BingXi for dinner. 😀 Felt really bad cause i made him wait so long cause of Napfa. It was really great just chilling and dinner together. I will be early the next time, really. 



Today I met Andrian to have lunch/dinner= Dunch at Ichiban. Really happy cause i got blessed with $40 Ichiban vouchers so blessings are meant to be shared 😀 I got the hotspot with beef set. oh so yummy~ He got some set which includes the cold soba+salmon+other stuff..And there was ice on the cold soba, which Andrian named it “hailstones from the haze”. 

After that we headed to the library to study for a bit and went to Bartley to attend a funeral. Really blessed when Daphne offered to drive us to Bishan! No need to walk the long way back to MRT. Thank God cause my legs are cramped the whole day cause of yest’s Napfa, so walking aches. 😀 Chatted with Judith, Victor and Jun Yong on the way home & it was really great. 🙂 

What a tiring day, Chiewy was really sweet to listen to me whineee for half and hour.. ❤ Haha i literally -whined- for so long.. poor Chiewy’s ear. Haha love youuuu~


Good night people, it’s time for me to sleep to get energy for my fav class tmr. Thanks for listening to another day of rants and updates. 😀 


rumblings about photographs


I am not a fan of self shots, really. I just prefer taking with others instead. 🙂

I loveee taking photos, because pictures can store memories really well.

It’s so good that i can look at the picture of ice cream and remember who i went to eat it with and where did i eat it.. things like that. 

I am someone who loves looking back at photo graphs, just staring and unconsciously smiling at the pictures as the memories come back to life. 

Sometimes i love taking pictures of food cause i really love them.. to the point almost everyone who eats with me will wait for me to take a picture before eating. But i got “complains” so i decided to not take so many, and slowly my “desire” for taking pictures of my food died down.. haha #luckyforthosewhohavebeencomplaining #justsaying

Anyways, people who actually look ordinary to me in real life, looks so good in pictures and got close to abt hundred plus likes?! Pictures may be deceiving sometimes~ I am mean. 🙂

Can say they are just photogenic. 🙂

Time for bed, enough of my rabbles. 






i just need to protect myself again

Cell group meeting was great today, Chiewy prayed for me and it’s true for me. She shared about me closing up and hardening my heart because i needed to protect myself, and that i got to open up. I don’t know why, I find it hard to do so. I admit, i have been closing up heart again because its just an automatic thing for me to do. I feel that being open makes me vulnerable to things and sometimes i get way too sensitive about things. Others hurt me, especially the ones i love.. I somehow feel that nobody is there to protect me.. i needed to protect myself. Am i being self-centered? 


sat & sun

Sunday: Image

I love this picture.. it’s the first time i ever felt like a super girl. hahaha 🙂

With the limitless specs, we see in a diff perspective, we become limitless~

It was fun taking the pictures cause of the funny shots taken previously..


Yay, E412 won ourselves Capitaland vouchers for the instagram contest! 



Serving day at children’s church was another fulfilling and happy Saturday. 

We played some games on the bus, like chubby bunny. Albhlyn was our chubbiest bunny, with a total of 6 marshmallows. 😀 

The presence of God was in the atmosphere as the kids praise and worship God. 

It’s really a precious moment to know that the kids have their individual love and encounter with God. Week after week, the kids will be filled with the presence of God that tears begin to flow down their cheeks. To see the kids dwelling in the house of God, growing in his love. It’s just amazing. 🙂



my way of slacking



This is what i call.. slack.




watching running man and catching a korean drama~

When i start watching a drama, i will catch til the end within a few days.. 

so i don’t start watching them unless i have a lot of time. haha this shows how free i am for the last few days.

I’m not a fan but i think Korean shows are really good. My fave is definitely running man! 😀  

Shall not catch dramas for now, think i will read more books & other more productive things during my study break, and probably start studying in 1 week’s time. :p 

Good night, Oink.