how’s my day

It’s been a great week, quite busy with random stuff recently..


Yesterday i went to do napfa test, haha which is really random cause i wanted to join track and field as a CCA. Started off with situps, did 42 in 1 min.. hehe not bad for someone who haven’t exercise/did napfa for a long time! It’s an A.. haha but yea, i was quite confident that situps would be a breeze to get A. *hehe* Next we did shuttle run. I remember i used to find shuttle run hard cause i couldn’t brake in time to take the block and put it down. So yea, thank God i did it in 11.2 seconds.. just nice to get A. Next was standing broad jump! Omg, my short legs and all.. managed to only jump 168cm or smth? Hmph, i probably got a D for it, my Gold flew away just like that~ Anyways next was incline pull ups, and i didn’t have confidence in this.. but i did 16, it’s a B.. still, proud of myself. Oh and we did the sit and reach, got 49cm.. A.. 😀 Lastly we did 2.4km run, which is abt 6 rounds around the track. I totally didn’t have the mood to run, cause my body’s quite lazy recently. But i still did my best, went slow and steady for the first 5 rounds. This girl and I kept overtaking each other during the run, but in the end i saw her catching up her speed at the last part. So i got so motivated to gather all my strength and then CHIONG to the finishing line. hahaha so yea, overall i got a Silver I guess. Seriously quite disappointed with the standing board jump.. 

Met BingXi for dinner. 😀 Felt really bad cause i made him wait so long cause of Napfa. It was really great just chilling and dinner together. I will be early the next time, really. 



Today I met Andrian to have lunch/dinner= Dunch at Ichiban. Really happy cause i got blessed with $40 Ichiban vouchers so blessings are meant to be shared 😀 I got the hotspot with beef set. oh so yummy~ He got some set which includes the cold soba+salmon+other stuff..And there was ice on the cold soba, which Andrian named it “hailstones from the haze”. 

After that we headed to the library to study for a bit and went to Bartley to attend a funeral. Really blessed when Daphne offered to drive us to Bishan! No need to walk the long way back to MRT. Thank God cause my legs are cramped the whole day cause of yest’s Napfa, so walking aches. 😀 Chatted with Judith, Victor and Jun Yong on the way home & it was really great. 🙂 

What a tiring day, Chiewy was really sweet to listen to me whineee for half and hour.. ❤ Haha i literally -whined- for so long.. poor Chiewy’s ear. Haha love youuuu~


Good night people, it’s time for me to sleep to get energy for my fav class tmr. Thanks for listening to another day of rants and updates. 😀