It’s gonna be Christmas! A season of giving and love :D

Here’s a post loaded of some of my happenings this week.
I took some pics, but didn’t take some. But generally it was awesome.
This week, i’m thankful and blessed.
It’s the last week of school already, and it’s hols now! I want to go travelling so much, but due to budget, shall go to cheaper hol places.. maybe just go batam and legoland. I needa save up for korea trip which is in march, haha but saving plan like CMI. Haiz, shall see ba..

I love the facis who gives us snacks :p By SQPE faci.

I love the facis who gives us snacks :p By SQPE faci.

Health psychology faci gave us titbits, yay!

Health psychology faci gave us titbits, yay!

After spa operations lesson, Sheryl and I went to have lunch tgt @ reel room. This pesto pasta is nice.

After spa operations lesson, Sheryl and I went to have lunch tgt @ reel room. This pesto pasta is nice.

Cheesy fries! <3

Cheesy fries! ❤

Date w carina on Weds, i made her come here to sit with me. I like this place. :)
Date w carina on Weds, i made her come here to sit with me. I like this place. 🙂

On thurs, went grocery shopping with mummy and forced her to buy me a whole watermelon. She kept taking it away from my trolley and i had to put it back, hmph.

On thurs, went grocery shopping with mummy and forced her to buy me a whole watermelon. She kept taking it away from my trolley and i had to put it back, hmph.

Served in children’s church on sat and it was great as usual.
Oh i must share this.. This lil boy called Issac, was drawing a picture of himself and his 2 other siblings (older sis & younger bro). He drew the three of them as animals. So i asked him:” What about Mummy?” So he went to draw his Mum and Dad. After he drew finish, he showed me. He drew his parents as other animals and wrote their individual names beside the drawings. So i asked: “What about teacher Ariel?” So he went to back to draw. After he finished, he showed me.. every one was different animals. And guess who was i… a zookeeper. Hahahahaha

Sunday, candle light service.

Sunday, candle light service.

Pretty sight  that can only be seen on candlelight service, once a year. :)

Pretty sight that can only be seen on candlelight service, once a year. 🙂

with my dearies

with my dearies

With pretty and clever shuqing.

With pretty and clever shuqing.

Happy that i brought munling to candlelight today, she responded to the altar call today. As she takes one step to God, He will take a thousand steps towards her. Love my lil sissy. I enjoyed myself with u today. 🙂





I'm happy that i brought munling to candlelight today, she responded to the altar call today. As she takes one step to God, He will take a thousand steps towards her. Love my lil sissy. I enjoyed myself with u today. :)


Thanks for being such a great and caring friend to me. Happy to hang out w you :)

Thanks for being such a great and caring friend to me. Happy to hang out w you 🙂



Bumped into Yvonne at service today! My friend in rp.

Bumped into Yvonne at service today! My friend in rp.

Tim, a really nice bro, always so sincere to chat and catch up w me. :)

Tim, a really nice bro, always so sincere to chat and catch up w me. 🙂

This week was great, it’s time to brainstorm for what to get for christmas presents. I did the Christmas cards weeks before already, cause i didn’t want to rush doing everything. Haha kan chiong spider.
Get ready! Because it’s gonna be Christmas in 10 days time!! 😀

Something random-
ps: haha i know Hazimah will see this, so yea, enjoy ur hols! Hehehe! sending my love from me to you :3



It was a great week, a happier week.
Highlight of this week is meeting dhanu, cutting my hair SHORT, meeting my darling kids, CGM and service.
Haha my week was kinda simple but nice.

Though it was a short meeting with Dhanu, it was great. She’s someone whom understands me well, and accepts me for who i am. Thanks for her encouragement, because of that I climbed up from my mini-well. 🙂

I went to my usual hair saloon at far east plaza to chop off my long hair.
Why did i want to cut away my long hair?
Because bunning up my hair for spa practical lessons is really very troublesome.
And I’m tired of always having long hair.
I know long hair is nicer, girlier and all.. I probably look nicer in long hair.
But it’s too boring, change is good luh.
So yea, if you think i look better in long hair, i think so too.
But then, I don’t look too bad in short hair. Haha its cute?
Haha and if ur wondering, I don’t really miss my long hair. It’ll grow back anyways. 😀


the line was pretty organized, managed to settle them in a single file.

the line was pretty organized, managed to settle them in a single file.

2013-12-07 12.38.47

Thanks for the llao llao treat chiewy. :)

Thanks for the llao llao treat chiewy. 🙂

Happy family of E412. Thanks for the wonderful time of fellowship today. It's always good to be tgt. A family united is strength, but disunity will be divided. I'm glad we are united. I pray the wishes written on the wishing ball will come to past, believing 2014 will be a great year yet. .:)

Happy family of E412. Thanks for the wonderful time of fellowship today. It’s always good to be tgt. I’m glad we are united. I pray the wishes written on the wishing ball will come to past, believing 2014 will be a great year yet. .:)

That pretty much sums up my week.
Tmr is Monday, so have a good start of your week tomorrow!
