
Where are you?

When things go wrong it’s easy to ask, ” Jesus, Where are You when i need you?” It seems that I have failed you or that My love and patience have run out. At times like that your faith is being tested, and when you react in doubt rather than faith, you limit My ability to help you. It can become a vicious cycle.

Yet there are some people who remain positive, no matter what their circumstances. How can they face disappointments and even disaster so calmly? It’s because they have strong faith in My love and the promises I’ve made in My word. It’s because they have sought and found a personal link with Me. It’s because they have learnt to turn to Me in their times of need. It’s not that their faith is never tested, but they know where to turn to for the help they need to pass the test.

Here’s the secret to that kind of victory: Prepare for the hard times by learning to stay close to Me when times are good. Make a point of looking for My loving hand at work around you. Count your blessings. Cultivate an attitude of faith and trust and thankfulness. Then when the going gets tough, you will know I’m only a prayer away.

Credits: From Jesus with love-For troubled times.