Merry Christmas people!


Merry Christmas dearies!
Are there days when you miss people?
Days when you wish they’re there to spend it with you?
They may not be in your life anymore but they mattered alot.
It’s not like you can do much about it,
all you can do now is just to miss the person.
I admit I do miss alot of people..
Maybe it’s a habit,
or just because i miss the time spent together with them,
or that they were once important to me.

It's all kept within my thoughts, everything just becomes memories :)

It’s all kept within my thoughts, everything just becomes memories 🙂


Cause I didn't mean as much to you as you are to me. :)

I’m just glad the people whom I miss, once played an important role in my life.
And all that I miss are just the happy times spent together. 🙂
But besides that, there’s always a reason why they are in the past and not in the present.
Some people may be your past, some people maybe in your present, some in your future.
But you’ll never know, ppl in the past may end up in your future as well.
Anyways, I’m also very very VERY thankful for the ones whom are in my life right now.
Just thankful for everything. 🙂




positivity is a choice

Just because You are a ________(whoever u are), doesn’t mean that you have to always stay happy all the time.
You may be a Christian, but you can be upset or down just like anyone else.
Anyone is prone to falling, but not everyone gets up the same time as others.
Sometimes I wonder, if i were to fall then what would happen..
most probably things that i used to be responsible for would be neglected.
Whenever I have to make a decision, whether to stay or leave, i would think.. of the responsibilities i hold.
Am i going to just let it all go like that?
If i were to stay down, I would only be more miserable, lonely, irresponsible, insecure, and basically pathetic because i would only ponder in the negatives. At the end of the day, i would be left with defeat.

But if i were to stay strong and fight, I would have to keep getting up, keep being strong, keep learning, smile even though i don’t feel like it, sometimes pretend that everything is alright and just move on with life.. so that someday the pain i feel inside will be healed through time.

Am i going to choose to think of the negative things or the positive things?
But for now, i learnt that, it takes a decision to be happy.
People want the pain to be gone, but what do they do? They water their pain everyday by thinking of the very thing that brings back memories and so the pain never leaves, instead, it grows.

To be a happier person, you need to be well secured with at least some good friends around you to keep you going.
I want you to be happy, i want the people around me to choose to be happy.
Because sometimes, happiness is something you have to fight for.
Choose to thank God for the past, and choose to thank God for both the negative and the positive things in life.
because the negative things teaches you life lessons & teaches you to be stronger in life.
the positive things are blessings which God poured into your life.
And i know for sure that once you have gone through the fire, you will only come out purer, like gold.


not just another religious duty

Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.

Half-hearted prayer receives nothing from God.

Without thirst and hunger, we are just praying our of religious duties and obligations. 

We become those whose lips honor Him but whose hearts are far from Him. 

When this walk of faith, is actually nothing but a relationship. 




When i was younger, I’ve thought that life was hard and that it will get easier soon. 

But as the years went by, I wondered, why is life just getting harder?

I realize that the challenges I went through were tougher and the pain i experienced increased. 

I somehow feel that life is like a game.

When life is at it’s beginning stage, it’s actually easy.. but it’s only hard to you because you are unfamiliar about the game. 

However as you carry on with the game, you realize that you are getting the hang of it.

And you are doing so well in it and totally owning the game.

But as you go on, you suddenly realize that it just gets tougher.. different levels, different challenges. Higher levels, bigger challenges. 

There comes a point when it gets so tough that you think it’s impossible to pass through that certain level. But you know what, if you stop trying and decided to give up.. it’ll be game over. However, you keep trying and keep trying.. And finally, you passed that level!!

Life feels just like it. 



I am going to keep fighting and believe that i can get to the next level. 

Keep on the good fight and take refuge in the only one whom provides total protection. 

I am going to keep the faith despite any circumstances. If God is for me, who can be against me? 

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. 



Does it matter?


Every one has their own set of thinking, feelings and belief system. 

We would generally act based on those. 

Some people think that smoking is fine, and therefore they smoke. 

Sometimes we feel like not going for class, and therefore we skip lessons.

Some people believe in luck, therefore they buy ToTo everyday. 

Some believe in taking risks, therefore they fall in love.

There are times when we act based on certain reasons, but are they really a good reason why we should make certain actions?

Is it right or is it wrong?

Sometimes, common sense does help to figure things out for you.. well, probably it’s cause it makes all things logical. 

But are they really right?

One thing I try my hardest to stick to is probably to not live by my own feelings most of the time. 

Because what I feel is usually different from what i considered to be right. 

It’s hard, because feelings is what makes you human. 

Sometimes, people tell us, just follow your feelings.

There will be days ( most of the days) when my feelings tell me to just continue sleeping and skip lessons. – but i know if i go according to that, i’ll be in a big mess.

There will be days when my common sense tell me ” you haven’t been resting much, waking up so early everyday for school, even waking up early on sat to bring the kids to church, it’s sunday, you should just continue sleeping..”

But is sleeping more important than classes? or more important than going to church? 


Depends on what matters to you more.

friends or family?

study or enjoy?

more time or cgm?

Service or sleeping?

study or service?

ministry or free time?

fellowship or free time?

family or money?

love or money?

giving or keeping?

Good or Bad?


What do i really feel.. I feel like some people just don’t deserve forgiveness at all, and that they deserve to die rather than being a burden to others. 

“But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. -Matthew 6:15 “

What matters to you..sometimes i get disappointed when what others place more priority to things that are less important, than those which are actually more important. 




a new perspective

There are people who are called to be alone.

Some people don’t want to get married may be because they have been hurt before.

There are women who just hate men. Group all men are jerks.

They need to let the true father’s love touch you. You can say you don’t want to get married because you don’t hate men, u love men and all and don’t have a desire to get married; it’s a different deal all together. God want to set us in families.

And there is no “God’s perfect choice”. It’s time to exercise your decision-making skills because God gave us freedom. The only criteria are for him/her to be a Christian.

Things to look for in males: 1) Financial aspect 2) Kindness

Things to look for in females: 1) Prudence 2) Kindness.

-Quoted from finding your life partner.