First birthday celebration this year. Aww!

One of the most surprising & sweetest day I’ve had.

Seriously, firstly he made reservations under his name: Mango. -_- hahaha!
I was like what?!?

I ordered this strawberry pancakes! Thankfully it ain’t as sweet as I though. Yummy!! ❤

chocolate pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Hehe our foooood!

I didn’t expect to have presents.. But then there were 2 huge ones.. :O
Thanks for all the efforts put in, I know you’ve put in LOADS of effort. ( hearing u say how stressed u were, I can see you were super stressed.. Haha )

I want to say thank you too, for being my friend and for confiding in me. It’s my pleasure to hear about what you have to say about everything under the stars. From nonsensical stuff, to personal stuff, to God’s word.. 🙂
Thanks for being so open about almost everything to me, it means so much to me because it’s how I get to really see the real you.
To talk about the things we need to resolve in our lives, even though it hurts to say it.
Because that’s when we know that our friendship is nothing superficial.

There’ll be times when we are both busy, so we’re less likely to meet up often.
But then thanks for making the effort to meet up despite the busy schedule.

And thank you for remembering my birthday! And for making it a super memorable one!
Besides the fact that u were the last one to celebrate my bday last year,
You’re like the first one this year to celebrate my birthday! Hahaha! 🙂
Really wanna thank you, so I wrote out this message on my wordpress ( which I just realize you happen to stalk.. Jk )
Thanks for the memorable birthday, and AWESOME PRESENTS! I love them but PLEASE don’t spend so much money next time! Thanks Mr Mango 🙂





Yes I have a hello kitty Polaroid! Oh my gosh! I cannot believe myself.. :,>
Next year birthday, just buy me tissue paper will do. 🙂