Krabi day 2 blog

Good day, here’s my super belated post on Krabi trip day 2! Hehehe gosh i’m so sorry i’m only updating it only now. Been busy with doing my own stuff that i neglected this blog. Anyways I’ll try to update uh~

The picture above is the breakfast area of Ananta Burin resort. There’s not much actually, just simple stuff, i usually got the scrambled eggs with coco crunch and a banana. 🙂

After breakie, we dipped ourselves in the pool. There’s cute mummy who usually doesn’t go swimming but somehow don’t mind to be in the pool when we are on a vacation.


I tried this maggie cause it’s winnie the pooh character. There’s only like 4 of the fishcake.




Dabaoed food back to the hotel cause the weather was freaking hot

We visited Krabi Town’s Night market in the evening.. it’s opened during the weekends. And we went there by booking the shuttle bus transport from the hotel which costed us 150 baht per person. 🙂 There were actually more things to look at and see as compared to my previous trip here. Maybe cause i came with my mum and she loves to keep buying FOOD. And somehow during the trip she was craving for prawns all day.


Say hello to Krabi Night Market.



Cute jellies i couldn’t resist not getting them

basically i spent my day 2 chilling and shopping. It’s gonna be more happening on the next few days so … leggo! 🙂


Have a great attitude :)

Proverbs 4:13

Pastor Phil Pringle- Attitude
Always have a great attitude.
Always find humour in everything, see the funny side.
The more you have God encounters, the more Christ like you will be.
There are always attitudes that always creep up to you.

You are going to rise to the attitude you have.
Even when people are dumping on you, that’s when you know how strong are you, guarding your attitude.
Whatever dirt that is dumped on you, shake it off, you can use them to climb higher in life.
Your attitude is going to be on your reaction.
It is going to let you live or die.
When Jesus was reviled, and hated and persecuted, he returned with honey. He didn’t become sour, threats and arguments, He didn’t let them get to him.
Don’t let anyone bring you down to their level by responding to their attitude that they are sending your way.
Be baptised in the holy attitude and Holy Spirit.
You are a separate person, you have a different attitude, and you are like a light in the darkness. People will think how come you are so peaceful in a crisis, have a holy attitude.
Every part of your life comes out of your attitude.

Your attitude is going to spread, it is contagious.
A group having an electric shock were measured in their brainwaves; people watching are also having the same trepidations. Emotions are contagious.
It’s not about how many people, but it’s about the courage and faith that we have.
Proverbs 25 & 28
You never want to let anger off the leash.
To have the ability to rule over your attitude
When Jesus was on the cross, he was thinking about His mother. He was still filled with grace and peace under the worst pressure. He wasn’t returning the same amount of attitude that was coming his way. Blessing those who are cursing Him.

One element to a great attitude
Willing hearted: The willing hearted, nothing is too hard for them. You don’t have to drag them in life and find excuses. When you got an unwilling attitude, you will feel that you cannot get on the same page as everybody else in life. It’s always like I’m not sure about coming along, I’m not sure about being here or doing that. The willing always has solutions.
When you are willing hearted, you don’t know how you can, we do what we can. Even when you are not that keen of doing what I’m being asked to do, that’s when I can rule my spirit and say I’m going to do. You don’t know how willing you are to serve God until you are asked to do something you don’t really want to do. When you can see a reason to change your attitude.
You can rule over your spirit, smile, get yourself baptised from the Holy Spirit.


my sunshines




You only live once,
go crazy,
have fun,
Let go of all that’s weighing your down, and have a great life! Keep moving on!
Be thankful for another day.
Be grateful for much things.
I’m glad to have my dear ones with me, to spend time tgt, shop tgt, cry tgt, have fun tgt. Just spending time tgt.
I’m happy for up and also, down moments.
friends are those who have fun with you and laugh with you,
but only true and best friends stay with you when ur at your darkest period, they stay with you when you have nothing to offer except whining and tears.
When everyone leaves you, the only one who stays are God, your family and true friends.
Although it’ll be nice to have a lot of friends, really,
but I believe i just need some, i just need those whom will be with me to weather storms and enjoy sunshines tgt.








Looking through past photos is probably one of my most favorite thing to do. 

Not that I wish that i can go back to the past all the time.. 

But when i look back at the photos, it reminds me of the happy times i spent together with them. And how silly we were, and how far we have gotten til now. 

To me, I feel that friendships are special. They are the ones closest to you besides God and family. 


Here are some random pictures in random order, 

haha some of them are abit unglam.. which i dig up from my FAT CHUNK of picture collection.  😀 



“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.



“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.



“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.











“We’ll be Friends Forever, won’t we, Pooh?’ asked Piglet. Even longer,’ Pooh answered.



“Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks



“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.



“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like









“When they finished laughing they were on their way to being not just friends, but the dearest of friends, the sort of friends whose lives are shaped by the friendship.








“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend”



“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.  ~Douglas Pagels”



by my side

Thank God for grace and favor.

It’s been a long week of exams and stuff.






Friday after exams, I enjoyed spending time with my classmates for lunch.

In the evening, i went back to school to meet Mei Xuan and Debbie to go help out at Chingay. I reached there and we were allocated to be in our teams. I was in team 3, so i didn’t know anyone there. The waiting time was super long, we reached the esplanade area and waited at the tentage for about 4 hours before we proceeded to the carpark to help out as “hospitality ushers”. Haha it felt more like being traffic police.
Helped out for about 1-2 hours then we had our breaks, I loved the performances! They had cool stuff like people cooking food on woks pushed around in trolleys. There were kids and adults dancing gangnam style, the kids danced much better cause they were really cute and were dancing so freely while the adults were more reserved in their movements.
The highlight was the fireworks at the end of the performances, accompanied by man-made snow effects. It was really very pretty! Made Singapore look like it was really snowing for the first time. Shanu, a new friend i made at Chingay, were like kids trying to catch the fatter-sized snow. The sight was really pretty. Made me think of how Singaporean’s level of faith, always making the impossible possible with their creativity and not limiting themselves, they actually were able to create “snow” in sunny Singapore. 🙂

Saturday, I had to bring the kids to church, thank God it was really a smooth one. The service was good and I believe that the kids were touched by the presence of the holy spirit. I prayed for some of them, and was really happy cause i loved the feeling when i knew in my hearts that as i prayed for them, I could feet the peace and love. That these kids are lifted up in God’s hands and that his protection was upon them. It just felt good praying for the little ones. 🙂 

After serving, I headed off to help out at Chingay again. It was much more fun then the previous day cause we changed our roles from being at the carpark ushering, to standing at the gate where we got to usher the VVIPs to their seats. It was really cool cause as i escorted them, we had to walk a distance and cut across the middle section where the sea of people were sitting faced. So part of the attention the VVIPs got felt like it was on us also cause we were walking together with them. hehe. The guest-of-honour was President Tony Tan, but unfortunately, I didn’t get to see him cause he used another special gate to enter. 

After ushering them in, we got our breaks again. This time was cooler cause Shanu and I sat below the audiences, beside the road, so it was like so cool to sit there cause we were so close to the performers. All in all, it was really fun. 🙂

 On my way back home, I took from marina bay and slept on the train til… Kranji. I woke up, and got down the train. I thought i could not get back home already, cause situation was I didn’t have money to cab, my phone left 3% so i couldn’t call anyone, it was 1 am so obviously  no bus.. my heart cried.. Thankfully, with that 3% my mum called me and the phone call managed to last. She asked to to cab home and she would come down to pay for me. So i hurriedly took a cab. When i got up the cab, the cab uncle was super nice to me and he seems to discern quite well. He said that i must be sleeping and wearing earphones so i couldn’t wake up and all, then i was like how he knows. He said stuff that actually made sense. He asked if my dad was sleeping at home, and i think he knew smth was wrong so he said or ur father died? I didn’t want to explain much to a perfect nice stranger so i said “yea he sleeping at home”. He was really nice and gave me discount by not adding the extra midnight charge. He said he’ll give me the change first, so he handed be $4 meaning he was expecting my mum would bring $10. Which she really did. haha I find that the cab ride was an interesting one.. Thankfully, i made it home that night.

Somehow I felt that God was with me all this time and that made me happy, really. 🙂 



feeling human



These times will try hard to define me, but i will hold my head up high. 

I need to believe that I can get through everything through Christ who gives me strength. 

Everyday, I need Him to get me through the day. 

Life is not all sad and tough, 

stop sulking and move on..

Everybody has their baggage, shake it away, don’t let it bother or stop you from moving forward.

Your past do not define you, neither does your circumstances.

You are who you are by the choices you make.

Choose to be happy and you will never go wrong!


I will choose to be happy everyday. 



At USS on Tuesday! Met prince and fairy Godmother. Love the castle, it looks so pretty. 🙂










This is the girl i took care of at USS, Shannieve. She’s really a darling, very sensible girl and her interests are really alot like me. She likes pink, hello kitty, taylor swift, loves baking and cooking.




It was super fun at USS, really enjoyed the day spent. The effects in the rides are really awesomeee, totally worth the price!

And AFTER MUCH PROCRASTINATION, I TOOK THE RED ROLLER COASTER, PROUD OF MYSELF. It’s very scary for me cause i am scared of such rides.. the wait for roller coaster was quite nerve wreaking cause i was procrastinating. Once i got on the seat, the seatbelts were slowly locked, i thought to myself “Am i really doing this? I can’t escape already.” And then the ride starts. I started screaming for the first part of the ride, and somewhere in the middle of the ride i didn’t have anymore energy to scream already. HAHAH. But i definately did not regret taking the ride, but i doubt i will take it again.


The food inside USS is seriously expensive, all these for $11. :/

That’s all for USS, it was awesome. 🙂



Wednesday: Candlelight service for the children, first time bringing kids out to service at night.

The two sweeties: Evelyn and Shannieve

The two sweeties: Evelyn and Shannieve

The boys at candle light service. :)

The boys at candle light service. 🙂



Thursday: Baking for christmas.

Baking gingerbread man with classmates in the morning, love the cookies so much i keep eating them.

Baking gingerbread man with classmates in the morning, love the cookies so much i keep eating them.


Put some colors in your life, babe



Time will never reverse, things will never be the same.

Because certain decisions were made, good or bad, they leave a mark. 

Treasure the ones by your side, because you will never know when you will lose them, just like how you lost …. 



memories stays, and someone may leave. 

But hey, at least you can say “I’ve once brightened up that someone’s day.”




Snowy days may come, and you can’t feel the warmth. 

But it’s ok,

because seasons change. 

Maybe it’s a time for you to eat the snow and play snow balls! 🙂 



Maybe that’s why I’ve always wanted a dog so badly.. because i know it’ll always be there for me. 


Stop being so boring and lifeless.

Life is meant to have colors and happiness! 

Smile as much as you can. 

Because the sun is still shining! 
