Battle between thoughts


God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

We all have thorns in our flesh, I would love to never have to battle with another negative thought, or have a suspicious thought of another person, and I wish that all my thoughts were lovely and beautiful. But I still have to control myself and choose right.

My weaknesses keep me knowing that God, you got to help me if you don’t help me I can’t make it. Staying in a point where you say God without you, I am nothing. Anything good thing happens is all glory to God. What God wants to see is that you are pressing on.
One way to tell when someone is getting too full of themselves is when start to mistreat other people.
Give God what I am but especially, everything you are not.
Loving God will bring you a long way.
Even if you are in a mess, you are God’s mess.
When the devil starts to tell you everything you are not, thank God for using you anyway.
God knew who you are when he called you. God sees what we can be if we get our eyes off on what we’re not and get our eyes on Him.

Personal ❤ :
I have always been trying to be the lovely person to only think of positive and happy thoughts. But obviously negative thoughts would set in and it's hard to struggle to choose right over wrong sometimes. Yes, I guess I'm in a mess now.. constantly fighting off negative thoughts that are coming to me, (but I'm in God's mess). hehe *winks* My weakness is probably speaking out what I actually think/feel.. which is why i think this blog exists.

Next blog, would be talking about.. my batam trip.
Omg, batam trip again? haha yes! Good night sweet dreams! 🙂


Let the pictures talk

I’m not the very artistic type of person, so I’d prefer spamming photos until i get some nice ones. HAHA.
That is why, instagram is not really my thing.
And, I like to take many pics! (Just to store memories)

Haha I shall let the pictures do the job of filling up my post for today..
A picture speaks a thousand words. 🙂
I’m happy and blessed to catch up, spend time with these darlings.
(I think some outing pics are in my friends’ phones I didn’t have it.. so didn’t manage to upload them.)
Enjoy!! ❤

With my sweetie pie, Hazimah.
Must take blood test cause i didn't know my blood group. (FOR KOREA TRIP, THE TYPE OF TORTURE I HAVE TO GET.)

Must take blood test cause i didn’t know my blood group. (FOR KOREA TRIP, THE TYPE OF TORTURE I HAVE TO GET.)

Went to Ikea recently, and got this scented candle.. burnt it while studying for my last paper of health psychology that day.

Went to Ikea recently, and got this scented candle.. burnt it while studying for my last paper of health psychology that day.

Met up with Pastor Eileen for a short time for vision sharing. :)

Met up with Pastor Eileen for a short time for vision sharing. 🙂

Spring and Chiewy's birthday. My dear girls <3

Spring and Chiewy’s birthday. My dear girls ❤

Happy e412!
Hehe my two dear girls. :)

Hehe my two dear girls. 🙂

Met up with this dearie, carina for some catch up.

Met up with this dearie, carina for some catch up.

She grew prettier liao.

She grew prettier liao.

attempt to be artistic..

attempt to be artistic..





Met up with my secondary school friends, lunch @ Saizeriya. The 3 quite different personalities, but somehow we click. hahahah :)

Met up with my secondary school friends, lunch @ Saizeriya. The 3 quite different personalities, but somehow we click. hahahah 🙂

Exercise day with my dear

Exercise day with my dear

Lunch at "The Ship".

Lunch at “The Ship”.



haha thankfully, we were reminded of our ice-cream..

haha thankfully, we were reminded of our ice-cream..



Mine was chicken chop & it was yummy! It's quite worth it.. cause they had student price. We only paid $10 each for all these.. amazing.  (The Ship @ Nex)

Mine was chicken chop & it was yummy! It’s quite worth it.. cause they had student price. We only paid $10 each for all these.. amazing.
(The Ship @ Nex)




Thanks dearies for liking my blog,
it means alot and i’m touched when people says they like my blog.
Cause this is where, I share about my life..
So i’m thankful for you guys for entering into my life. 🙂


apple tree story

Under the Apple Tree - 20x30 - edit 1 - 400 - small

I liked the analogy my sissy told me.

Girls are like apples on a tree while boys are the pickers:

The best apples are at the top of the tree.

Some boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren’t as good, but easy.
While there are some who aim for the ones at the top but somehow while climbing, they lost hope and find it tiring so decide to give up and settle for the ones within their current reach.
So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they’re amazing.
They just have to wait for the perfect person to come along, for he will climb all the way to the top.


Haven is a place called home



During the 3D2N chalet at Haven, I read the first few chapters of Come Thirsty- Max Lucado. Really been blessed by some parts so I decided to write them here. 

“Don’t let your heart shrink into a raisin. For the sake of those who need your love, hydrate your soul! Drink often.

Sin, for a season, quenches thirst. But so does salt water. Given time, thirst returns, more demanding and demanding more than ever.

Grace blockage: Taste, but don’t drink. Wet your lips, but never slake your thirst. No swallowing please. Fill your mouth but not your belly. Absurd. What good is grace if your don”t let it go deep.

Grace defines you.

– Max Lucado (Come Thirsty) “




The chalet was power packed, that all the notes taken down have to be slowly digested. 🙂 

The week before I went for the chalet, things weren’t going well. I took very long time falling asleep and even though i slept, i had many weird dreams.

One dream i rmb clearly was being really angry with the person at 7-11 and i went to throw plates on the floor just because it took me 2 hours and i still didn’t manage to buy the 2 siew mai. Never sleep with a hungry tummy. 🙂 

At the chalet I think God is saying that’s enough, no more tears. And somehow felt that weight on my heart lifted, I felt really relaxed and just felt the peace in my heart that really felt comforting. Just felt that all the cares of this world is taken away from my shoulders. 

During the chalet, we had to sleep on the HARD floor in sleeping bags. Who sleeps so much in a chalet? And somehow i was just able to sleep so well that I didn’t even rmb dreaming of anything! I just slept.. 

The sessions were really good, and it really ministered to me. The words shared by leaders were really encouraging and really felt like it is the word in season for me, and for everyone else. Just felt that almost everything shared was speaking to me during the sessions. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Faith level increased!



little happiness, called kindness



I always feel touched when someone does something sweet out of kindness. 

Touched when someone offers me candies,

when someone gives me a loving smile,

when someone gives me a hug,

when someone offers me a bite of their food because it just looks so yummy,

when someone cares.

Today i was touched when someone gives me a sandwich and donut when i didn’t eat my dinner,

when someone lends me an ez-link card, when someone drops by at my workplace for some yogurt, and so many other little acts of kindness that made my day. 

No acts of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. 

Start being mindful of the little things in life, it’s the little things in life that make up the big picture. 🙂