Beauty and Ugliness




What we perceive is what we believe in.

You may look at some one and say she is ugly,

but others may say that she is beautiful.


You may have baked some cookies for the very first time,

and your mum would say that it’s the most delicious cookies she has ever eaten.


You may think have a very bad hair day,

but someone thinks that you still look pretty.


You may be dressed in your comfortable home clothes,

someone may say you look cute.


You may have gotten 50 marks for your exams,

but your teacher told you “well done” just because you have improved by passing your exams.


You may have already given up on yourself,

but someone comes along and tells you that He believes in you.


You may tell yourself that you can never forgive your parents who failed in doing what they are supposed to do,

and someone comes along and pointed to the cross and said, “I did that to let you know that you are forgiven.”


It’s true that beauty and ugliness surrounds us every single day of our lives.

Which side will you choose to look at? 🙂


