Let the pictures talk

I’m not the very artistic type of person, so I’d prefer spamming photos until i get some nice ones. HAHA.
That is why, instagram is not really my thing.
And, I like to take many pics! (Just to store memories)

Haha I shall let the pictures do the job of filling up my post for today..
A picture speaks a thousand words. 🙂
I’m happy and blessed to catch up, spend time with these darlings.
(I think some outing pics are in my friends’ phones I didn’t have it.. so didn’t manage to upload them.)
Enjoy!! ❤

With my sweetie pie, Hazimah.
Must take blood test cause i didn't know my blood group. (FOR KOREA TRIP, THE TYPE OF TORTURE I HAVE TO GET.)

Must take blood test cause i didn’t know my blood group. (FOR KOREA TRIP, THE TYPE OF TORTURE I HAVE TO GET.)

Went to Ikea recently, and got this scented candle.. burnt it while studying for my last paper of health psychology that day.

Went to Ikea recently, and got this scented candle.. burnt it while studying for my last paper of health psychology that day.

Met up with Pastor Eileen for a short time for vision sharing. :)

Met up with Pastor Eileen for a short time for vision sharing. 🙂

Spring and Chiewy's birthday. My dear girls <3

Spring and Chiewy’s birthday. My dear girls ❤

Happy e412!
Hehe my two dear girls. :)

Hehe my two dear girls. 🙂

Met up with this dearie, carina for some catch up.

Met up with this dearie, carina for some catch up.

She grew prettier liao.

She grew prettier liao.

attempt to be artistic..

attempt to be artistic..





Met up with my secondary school friends, lunch @ Saizeriya. The 3 quite different personalities, but somehow we click. hahahah :)

Met up with my secondary school friends, lunch @ Saizeriya. The 3 quite different personalities, but somehow we click. hahahah 🙂

Exercise day with my dear

Exercise day with my dear

Lunch at "The Ship".

Lunch at “The Ship”.



haha thankfully, we were reminded of our ice-cream..

haha thankfully, we were reminded of our ice-cream..



Mine was chicken chop & it was yummy! It's quite worth it.. cause they had student price. We only paid $10 each for all these.. amazing.  (The Ship @ Nex)

Mine was chicken chop & it was yummy! It’s quite worth it.. cause they had student price. We only paid $10 each for all these.. amazing.
(The Ship @ Nex)




Thanks dearies for liking my blog,
it means alot and i’m touched when people says they like my blog.
Cause this is where, I share about my life..
So i’m thankful for you guys for entering into my life. 🙂


thanks loves

Ginormous antibiotic pill.. i can't swallow pills well. so i have to hammer all of them.

Ginormous antibiotic pill.. i can’t swallow pills well. so i have to hammer all of them.

thanks chiewy, bingxi and kenneth for your love. appreciate them loads.

thanks chiewy, bingxi and kenneth for your love. appreciate them loads.

mummy chiewy made this, heheh <3

mummy chiewy made this, heheh ❤

Touched that chiewy, kenn and bx came to find me today~
High fever for the past 3 days, kinda heart pain that the consultation fees and meds were so ex. Just for consultation alone is $28.. plus all the meds prescribed costs $80+.. super ex, in the end i didn't take some meds and it was reduced to $59. it's really rip off luh, i still can't get over it plus its a family clinic.
haha sorry for complaining.
Touched cause of those who wished me to get well~ And for those who prayed for me too~ Thanks loads for all the concern! Loads of love to all who care for me.. hehe 🙂