Blemishes of a little girl

Today is saturday, which can means ministry time, a day when I set aside my time to serve in the house of God.
To make myself useful, I help out as a teacher in Harvest Kids.
Bringing kids from their homes to church, take care of them during service, waiting for them to end tuition, making sure there are no lost sheeps, and other miscellenous things to do is part of my weekly saturday routine.

During service, this girl from my bus, took her bible (pointed at Matthew 19) and asked me to explain about what the bible speaks about divorce.
Then I was thinking in my head “Why does a little primary 2 girl ask about such things?”
So I read the verse, and I had to make sure that I put it in the right words.
While explaining to her, I found out that her Dad has committed adultry.

“My parents are divorced.” and “My Dad has 4 other women”

I was heartbroken when I heard it, those words she said lingering in my head.
It’s really sad to hear a young girl having to know and experience such things.
I ended off by telling her that it is ok if her mum finds someone better who loves her.
Letting know its ok till she’s reassured. 🙂
I really thank God that at least she is in church & has a support system to help her whenever she needs.
At least she knows of someone who loves her more then anything in this world, Jesus.
So we can be reassured that she’s protected and in good hands. 🙂



my sunshines




You only live once,
go crazy,
have fun,
Let go of all that’s weighing your down, and have a great life! Keep moving on!
Be thankful for another day.
Be grateful for much things.
I’m glad to have my dear ones with me, to spend time tgt, shop tgt, cry tgt, have fun tgt. Just spending time tgt.
I’m happy for up and also, down moments.
friends are those who have fun with you and laugh with you,
but only true and best friends stay with you when ur at your darkest period, they stay with you when you have nothing to offer except whining and tears.
When everyone leaves you, the only one who stays are God, your family and true friends.
Although it’ll be nice to have a lot of friends, really,
but I believe i just need some, i just need those whom will be with me to weather storms and enjoy sunshines tgt.
