Merry Christmas!

It’s been a long time since I updated this wordpress!
I’ve been doing well thus for in my internship, just a short while more before it ends on the 20th Febuary.
Today is the special day of Christmas eve, 24th december. Merry Christmas guys!!
Unfortunately/fortunately, I had to fall sick so I’m on MC!
Woke up at 11am+, went to Raffles Medical to get some medicine and MC.. Went home to have sushi for lunch, watched abit of the return of superman, and went to get some sleep. Woke up and the fever came back to 38.3. Wah I was starving when i woke up, so I waited for my mum and sis to come back with my favourite pontian noodles!
Celebrated Christmas with the strawberry shortcake and exchanged gifts. Hehe 🙂

Life has been pretty much mundane for now since i’m on my internship.
Time is pretty much restricted, although i do get to meet up some of my friends once in a while on my off days/after i end work.

Back to watching running man. hehe 🙂


Merry Christmas people!


Merry Christmas dearies!
Are there days when you miss people?
Days when you wish they’re there to spend it with you?
They may not be in your life anymore but they mattered alot.
It’s not like you can do much about it,
all you can do now is just to miss the person.
I admit I do miss alot of people..
Maybe it’s a habit,
or just because i miss the time spent together with them,
or that they were once important to me.

It's all kept within my thoughts, everything just becomes memories :)

It’s all kept within my thoughts, everything just becomes memories 🙂


Cause I didn't mean as much to you as you are to me. :)

I’m just glad the people whom I miss, once played an important role in my life.
And all that I miss are just the happy times spent together. 🙂
But besides that, there’s always a reason why they are in the past and not in the present.
Some people may be your past, some people maybe in your present, some in your future.
But you’ll never know, ppl in the past may end up in your future as well.
Anyways, I’m also very very VERY thankful for the ones whom are in my life right now.
Just thankful for everything. 🙂

