side by side



Every morning, is a day of new expectations and new hope. 

It’s another beginning, so I always looked forward to mornings. (provided i get enough sleep)

The day didn’t start out on a good note though, i woke up with the electricity gone..

Couldn’t charge my phone and imagine bathing without lights. Thankfully it was daytime though. Thus, I kinda had a phone-less day today. 

Met up with phyllis and pj at pj’s workplace at chinatown. 

We had a good meal together, basically chatting and catching up. Short but catching up is always a good time. 😀

Dinner at marina square with chiewy’s connect group. 

Fav part was eating ice cream and fellowshipping.. Ice cream never fail to cheer me up. hehe easily satisfied. :))

Once thing that really got me thinking today was 

” One doesn’t have to go through the exact same thing to help another person. All it simply takes is for one to be there for him/her through whatever he/she is facing.”

It’s really true, because in a way, not everyone will face certain trials in life. 

For example if ur friend is suffering due to parent’s divorce, you wouldn’t pray that God let ur parents marriage fail too in order to also feel how he/she is feeling. 

But not because you did not go through that certain trial that your friend is facing means that you cannot be of any help. 

Sometimes, the best help someone can offer is simply being there as a friend. 

Being there for him/her means a lot, because if you genuinely care, there’ll be times when you’ll just know what you can do to help him/her. 

I have been thinking,

about times when i feel really down, especially recently, it really helps to know that i have friends who are by my side and are willing to go through trials with me.

They may not know how i feel or what i am facing, but they are concerned and are by my side. That is really blessed. 🙂

And probably this is what i should do during times when people by me are going through tough times. 

It’s the least now i know that i could be a bit of help, by staying by them and going through it with them. 🙂

Not forgetting that faith element that will move mountains. 

Live by faith and not by sight.

BY FAITH. ( Hebrews 11)


What if trials of this life. 

the rain, the storms, the hardest nights

Are your mercies in disguise?