Roadtrip to Malaysia, Muar

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad's hometown. :)

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad’s hometown, to celebrate bx ah ma’s 85th birthday 🙂

Has mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

Had mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

2014-08-30 18.41.31

Traders hotel room

Traders hotel room

2014-08-30 15.10.04 2014-08-30 15.10.19

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch



Curry fish

Curry fish





Egg oyster omelet

Egg oyster omelet



Dong po rou with veggies

Dong po rou with veggies

David (Bing xi's bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

David (Bing xi’s bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

Thats us :)

Thats us 🙂

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

2014-08-30 18.55.40

That's Bingxi's grandma

That’s Bingxi’s grandma

First dish of dinner

First dish of dinner

Followed by appetisers

Followed by appetisers

2014-08-30 20.56.23

Yam ring

Yam ring

2014-08-31 00.22.59 2014-08-31 00.23.10 2014-08-31 00.23.21 2014-08-31 00.23.32 2014-08-31 00.23.37


The next morning, we went to have…. Bak ku Teh for breakfast cum lunch

Muar bak tu teh

Muar bak tu teh

PG advised- hahaha kidding, we just eating otah lah.

And as requested by Megan..

And as requested by Megan..

2014-08-31 12.18.10 2014-08-31 12.21.58


Thoughts from the trip: It was quite a nice trip, I enjoyed travelling to Muar by car. Although we had to squeeze a lil on the car cause there were too many people. Being with his family was quite fun, all of them kept joking around and all. 🙂 It’s mmy first time to Muar, and i would never go there if not to accompany them to celebrate their ah ma’s birthday. So yeah, it was quite an eye-opener for me. I really found that the house at Muar was really interesting!! It’s so traditional- too bad i didn’t take photos at their place. Their bathing area was quite cool cause they can use the pail to bathe & the toilet was not gross as i expected. Muar definately had more things than i expected! I imagined in my head that it would just be a Kampong with mozzies, but unexpectedly there was more.. like shops & all. And for me, I was quite shy since I didn’t know most of the people there.. so yeah there were like 40+ people?! I don’t know really, just too many I was feeling claustrophobic at times.  

I liked the short 2 hours when we went shopping around the shopping mall, cause is like i can finally walk around abit with just Bing Xi and I. 🙂 We bought loads of food from the super market- we the piggies,  went to this shop called living cabinet which has many cute things so we got some cute contact lens casing, jars & a set of pretty thumbprint designed couple cups.  

We spent basically most of the time eating. As you can see from the number of food photos I posted. Haha 🙂 Before we left, we got to eat the famous+must eat Muar Bak ku teh. From what Bing xi told me, Muar is known for their yummy Bak Ku Teh & Otah. His family gave me otah back home for my family to try. 🙂 

My favourite time in Muar is probably during the lantern time, when i just hang around the kids playing lanterns to take photos of them with one of bx cousin’s DSLR  & eating food. hehe 🙂 

I feel better after writing my thoughts down. Thanks for reading & I shall update here again soon. 🙂 ❤ 


It’s a date.

4th month date. :)

4th month date. 🙂

Went to Chiso Zanmai@ The Central at Clarke Quay, for our 4th month date- ( haha not a monthsary, but date).

Beef spaggetti

Beef spaggetti

Complimentary Hotpot

Complimentary Hotpot

nice soba

nice soba

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p



Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

We ate quite alot, it took us hours for the food to digest. BX’s tummy stayed round the whole day. hahaha :p Recommend to go during lunch hours cause it’s only $14.90++ for the Japanese buffet with a suitable amount of food.

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we'll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. :)

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we’ll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. 🙂