Short 3D2N JB getaway @KSL hotel

My short trip to JB staying in KSK hotel for 3d2n! Cause we needed to getaway from sg and have a break from the busyness of life. Mummy & ml went earlier in the afternoon while i went with fatty at night when we ended our work. 🙂


Reached KSL hotel at around 11pm~ and had FKC for dinner! (KFC in SG tastes wayyyyyy better then in MY)

Reached KSL hotel at around 11pm~ and had FKC for dinner! (KFC in SG tastes wayyyyyy better then in MY)

Ending the night with a moisturising Mr Morita's Mask! :)

Ending the night with a moisturising Mr Morita’s Mask! 🙂

Rise & Shine!

Rise & Shine!

Mirror selfie with fatty! :D

Mirror selfie with fatty! 😀



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HAHAHA to Munling's face!!

HAHAHA to Munling’s face!!

comparing the nostril size.. mine wins of course. haha i have already accepted my fate.

comparing the nostril size.. mine wins of course. haha i have already accepted my fate.

Dinner at Shanghai, probably one of the nicest dim sum i ate so far!!! <3 Must come arhhhhhh if u ever go JB!

Dinner at DShanghai, located in KSL mall level 2, probably one of the nicest dim sum i ate so far!!!

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me looking weird

me looking weird cause my sis made me change hair parting.


ml & I went for foot massage while mummy & fatty went for a body+foot massage. It was... painful+nice. But it wasn't nice when its pain.. haha.

ml & I went for foot massage while mummy & fatty went for a body+foot massage. It was… painful+nice. But it wasn’t nice when its pain.. haha.

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Mask again on the second night! Used the cucumber one, really hydrating. :)

Mask again on the second night! Used the cucumber one, really hydrating. 🙂

checking out of the hotel

checking out of the hotel

my favourite flavour in BR is cotton candy! the mango was not bad as well.

my favourite flavour in BR is cotton candy! the mango was not bad as well.

the famous & super long queue curry fish head. thank goodness we made a reservation if not we have to queue for like an hour.. :D

the famous & super long queue curry fish head. thank goodness we made a reservation if not we have to queue for like an hour.. 😀

met him at night for dinner. :)

met him at night for dinner. 🙂