It’s a date.

4th month date. :)

4th month date. 🙂

Went to Chiso Zanmai@ The Central at Clarke Quay, for our 4th month date- ( haha not a monthsary, but date).

Beef spaggetti

Beef spaggetti

Complimentary Hotpot

Complimentary Hotpot

nice soba

nice soba

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p



Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

We ate quite alot, it took us hours for the food to digest. BX’s tummy stayed round the whole day. hahaha :p Recommend to go during lunch hours cause it’s only $14.90++ for the Japanese buffet with a suitable amount of food.

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we'll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. :)

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we’ll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. 🙂


Happy blessed 21st my dear!

Happy 21st birthday dear,
I’m really honored to get to spend the entire birthday with you. Hope you have enjoyed yourself today!
After spending hours searching for the place to have a good & suitable place for lunch,
looked at countless cafes and some restaurants, I decided on Chizo Zanmai at Clarke Quay.
I looked at the reviews and facebook page, and the food looked really awesome & also quite affordable for a Japanese buffet. The variety was quite good. Plus, the ambiance is good too!





Japanese onsen & yummy chawanmushi

Japanese onsen & yummy chawanmushi


The ramen was good!

The ramen was good!

Healthy living, eat some fruits!

Healthy living, eat some fruits!


Ice-cream! haha we spent abt 10mins trying to tie the cherry knot with our tongue. I did it but bx failed.. hehe :p

Ice-cream! haha we spent abt 10mins trying to tie the cherry knot with our tongue. I did it but bx failed.. hehe :p




So gentle while opening the presents when he can actually just rip it open.

So gentle while opening the presents when he can actually just rip it open.




After a meaningful lunch, next lineup was to catch Mr Peabody and Sherman at the Cathay.
The show was pretty cute. 🙂

After that, we headed down to MaryMount for supposedly Neli ice-cream, but apparently it dao bi(close down) already. So we went for the alternative which is.. Udders! 🙂 It was good and the staff was really friendly to us.

Shared pancakes and ice cream @ udders

Shared pancakes and ice cream @ udders

After chilling, we headed down for YL zone meeting somewhere in MaryMount. 🙂
Had an eventful day today! Hehe pretty excited for the birthday party tmr!
Shall update more soon! Good night peeps! xoxo.

And something random..