Update day 2

Hello day 2 of work. Today I’m going to work without Hazimah. There was 3 days of information overload ( orientation+work related things to memorize). But the people are really nice and family oriented. I think I still need time to adapt though. Haha today will be a better day! Thanks for those who have been keeping me in prayers, appreciate it many many! 🙂


Internship is starting

Internship is starting on Monday!! 

There’s 2 days of orientation (mon+tues) and then 6 months of internship. 

I’m feeling quite nervous for internship, cause i wonder how’s it going to be working in a company for 6 months. 

Feeling so not ready.. cause like 6 months of no freedom~ I’m still in the holiday mood now as well. 

I really pray hard that it’s going to be quite smooth sailing. 

I’m still left with one day and off i go to internship. 

Wish me the best! ❤ 



Another chapter

Hello wordpress,
I realise that I haven’t been posting for quite awhile now.
I’ve been pretty busy recently.. or i think that i am.
I went to Krabi from 6-10th August, after that kinda busy with life~
Haven’t even met simin till now after the Krabi trip!! Really needa meet her up soon.. haha
Quite alot of people’s birthday in August..

Today marks the last day of school!! WOHOOOOOO~
But, then, UT3 is coming up.. so I gotta study!!
My UT2 grades have been like cmi, so i really got to work harder for the last test of my poly life.
Looking back at my poly life, I think that i just drifted through my poly life
Friendships are hard to maintain in my years in RP, cause of misunderstandings and stuff,
so yea, just got to say that most are acquaintances & 1 close friend (Hazimah).

Internship from 8th september
I’ll be interning at Ritz Carlton soon with Hazimah,
so i’m just feeling kinda hopeful that everything will go smoothly.
Gonna be with Hazimah for the next 6 months, really thankful for having to intern at the same company as her.
There will be shifts so the timings are quite weird cause its a hotel spa.. gonna cab alot~

Chill time
I’m currently watching the return of superman & running man, sometimes abit of room mate if i have extra time. Hehe 🙂

Till then, ❤