Battle between thoughts


God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

We all have thorns in our flesh, I would love to never have to battle with another negative thought, or have a suspicious thought of another person, and I wish that all my thoughts were lovely and beautiful. But I still have to control myself and choose right.

My weaknesses keep me knowing that God, you got to help me if you don’t help me I can’t make it. Staying in a point where you say God without you, I am nothing. Anything good thing happens is all glory to God. What God wants to see is that you are pressing on.
One way to tell when someone is getting too full of themselves is when start to mistreat other people.
Give God what I am but especially, everything you are not.
Loving God will bring you a long way.
Even if you are in a mess, you are God’s mess.
When the devil starts to tell you everything you are not, thank God for using you anyway.
God knew who you are when he called you. God sees what we can be if we get our eyes off on what we’re not and get our eyes on Him.

Personal ❤ :
I have always been trying to be the lovely person to only think of positive and happy thoughts. But obviously negative thoughts would set in and it's hard to struggle to choose right over wrong sometimes. Yes, I guess I'm in a mess now.. constantly fighting off negative thoughts that are coming to me, (but I'm in God's mess). hehe *winks* My weakness is probably speaking out what I actually think/feel.. which is why i think this blog exists.

Next blog, would be talking about.. my batam trip.
Omg, batam trip again? haha yes! Good night sweet dreams! 🙂