
It was a great week, a happier week.
Highlight of this week is meeting dhanu, cutting my hair SHORT, meeting my darling kids, CGM and service.
Haha my week was kinda simple but nice.

Though it was a short meeting with Dhanu, it was great. She’s someone whom understands me well, and accepts me for who i am. Thanks for her encouragement, because of that I climbed up from my mini-well. 🙂

I went to my usual hair saloon at far east plaza to chop off my long hair.
Why did i want to cut away my long hair?
Because bunning up my hair for spa practical lessons is really very troublesome.
And I’m tired of always having long hair.
I know long hair is nicer, girlier and all.. I probably look nicer in long hair.
But it’s too boring, change is good luh.
So yea, if you think i look better in long hair, i think so too.
But then, I don’t look too bad in short hair. Haha its cute?
Haha and if ur wondering, I don’t really miss my long hair. It’ll grow back anyways. 😀


the line was pretty organized, managed to settle them in a single file.

the line was pretty organized, managed to settle them in a single file.

2013-12-07 12.38.47

Thanks for the llao llao treat chiewy. :)

Thanks for the llao llao treat chiewy. 🙂

Happy family of E412. Thanks for the wonderful time of fellowship today. It's always good to be tgt. A family united is strength, but disunity will be divided. I'm glad we are united. I pray the wishes written on the wishing ball will come to past, believing 2014 will be a great year yet. .:)

Happy family of E412. Thanks for the wonderful time of fellowship today. It’s always good to be tgt. I’m glad we are united. I pray the wishes written on the wishing ball will come to past, believing 2014 will be a great year yet. .:)

That pretty much sums up my week.
Tmr is Monday, so have a good start of your week tomorrow!



have a pot of tea with me

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. :)

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. 🙂

It's really vintage and cosy!

It’s really vintage and cosy!




chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. :)

chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. 🙂

it was really fun today. Hahaha i think the most nonsensical thing i thought of today is to take a picture of the tea and tag guys and quote “you are/are not my cup of tea.” Ok silly thoughts.. but fun moments when u just can be silly. 🙂

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. :) PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn't manage to take a pic of it. :) It was a happy dinner spent.

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. 🙂 PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn’t manage to take a pic of it. 🙂 It was a happy dinner spent.

It’s been a nice day out after sometime. It’s a happy day. Lots of laughter and fun today. After dinner with Mummy, we went for grocery shopping and bought loads of yummy but delicious food. haha it’s been a while since we filled our trolley with healthy food. #feelinghealthy. When you’re postive, your heart is light and happy too. 🙂


my friend~

As a man asks, he shall receive.. Here’s a blog post for u as requested. 🙂

Thanks Zheng Long for your efforts in making my 19th a sweeter one. Lurve the jigsaw puzzle that u hand-made, it was really unique. 🙂 I also believe that there are friends whom destroy one another, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. I’m blessed to have known you for a while now. Build ur foundation strong on Jesus, get to know more about Him. The more you seek him, the more you find Him. And when u do, u will discover the mysteries of God. 🙂

This word is what God reminded me of you:
” Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”









Be blessed.


time for bedtime thanks

Its 140am, and i am super sleepy. Time to retreat into my cosy bed. Before i sleep tonight, i want to thank God for a few things, so that i will sleep with a thankful heart. 1) Thank God for loving me. 2) Thank God for forgiving me. 3) Thank God for being with me every single day.  4) Thank God for helping me find my itouch back. 5) Thank God for the yummy dinner i had with my sis just now. 6)Thank God for the love in my family. 7) Thank God for keeping me secure. 8) Thank God for the people in my life. 9) Thank God for such a safe and clean country to live in. 10) Thank God for all the things i havent thanked You for. 🙂 Good night, and sweet dreams. 


side by side



Every morning, is a day of new expectations and new hope. 

It’s another beginning, so I always looked forward to mornings. (provided i get enough sleep)

The day didn’t start out on a good note though, i woke up with the electricity gone..

Couldn’t charge my phone and imagine bathing without lights. Thankfully it was daytime though. Thus, I kinda had a phone-less day today. 

Met up with phyllis and pj at pj’s workplace at chinatown. 

We had a good meal together, basically chatting and catching up. Short but catching up is always a good time. 😀

Dinner at marina square with chiewy’s connect group. 

Fav part was eating ice cream and fellowshipping.. Ice cream never fail to cheer me up. hehe easily satisfied. :))

Once thing that really got me thinking today was 

” One doesn’t have to go through the exact same thing to help another person. All it simply takes is for one to be there for him/her through whatever he/she is facing.”

It’s really true, because in a way, not everyone will face certain trials in life. 

For example if ur friend is suffering due to parent’s divorce, you wouldn’t pray that God let ur parents marriage fail too in order to also feel how he/she is feeling. 

But not because you did not go through that certain trial that your friend is facing means that you cannot be of any help. 

Sometimes, the best help someone can offer is simply being there as a friend. 

Being there for him/her means a lot, because if you genuinely care, there’ll be times when you’ll just know what you can do to help him/her. 

I have been thinking,

about times when i feel really down, especially recently, it really helps to know that i have friends who are by my side and are willing to go through trials with me.

They may not know how i feel or what i am facing, but they are concerned and are by my side. That is really blessed. 🙂

And probably this is what i should do during times when people by me are going through tough times. 

It’s the least now i know that i could be a bit of help, by staying by them and going through it with them. 🙂

Not forgetting that faith element that will move mountains. 

Live by faith and not by sight.

BY FAITH. ( Hebrews 11)


What if trials of this life. 

the rain, the storms, the hardest nights

Are your mercies in disguise?



.I don’t deserve your love,

but You gave it to me anyway.

When challenges are overwhelming, 

You are there for me.

When wanted to give up, 

You were holding me.

I would feel lonely, if I were to not feel your presence.

When I thought I got lost, 

somehow you would bring me back home.

Days when i feel alone, 

it seems to me that You are my only friend.

I can still believe that You will never fail,

no matter whatever comes my way,

I will trust You.

Thanks for first loving me,

I love You, Jesus.

You’re my first love.




10 promises to my dog


Ten promises to my dog is such a sweet and touching story.

10 promises:

1) Give me time to understand what you want of me.

2) Place your trust in me, it is crucial to my well being. 

3) Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it.

4) Before you scold me for being lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. 

5) Talk to me sometimes. Even if i don’t understand your words, i do understand your voice when it’s speaking to me. 

6) Remember before you hit me, i have teeth that could hurt you, but that i choose not to bite you. 

7) Take care of me when i get old.

8) You have your work, entertainment, and your friends.. but i only have you.

9) My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. 

10) Go with me on difficult journeys. Everything is easier when you are there. Remember i love you.

It’s really so sweet.. Dogs are human’s true friend. It’s one friend that will never let you down and it will always be by your side, for as long as it can. 



Happy Birthday Mango!




Happy Mango Day! 

Hope you’ve had a wonderful celebration. 

You’re such a blessing, i am impressed by your passion towards serving God and his people.

Never look down on yourself because you are more then you think you are.

Despite your circumstance, you still choose to cling on to the promises of God. 

Truly you are a gem in the kingdom of God. 🙂

Thanks for the time we’ve spent tgt. 

You’re really someone whom i can disturb and not feel as guilty. haha.

I’m sorry if i’ve done anything wrong to upset you previously. 🙂

Keep up the good fight Mango! 

Have a very blessed birthday! 🙂