Feeling really eggcited

Hello lazy sunday! I shall update a little bit of my life with some pictures!

The day we went to adventure cove & also a staycation at resorts world.

The day we went to adventure cove & also a staycation at resorts world.

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Date with Hazimah @ Ikea for meatballs.

Date with Hazimah @ Ikea for meatballs.

Belated birthday gift for zie cutie pie

Belated birthday gift for zie cutie pie

Belated birthday dinner with peejay :)

Belated birthday dinner with peejay 🙂

Me nuaing on mumsie

Me nuaing on mumsie

Halloween night 2015

Halloween night 2015

With pro-teach friends and simin.

With pro-teach friends and simin.

The day my unnie, gave me this running man shirt. Haha a random surprise. :)

The day my unnie, gave me this running man shirt. Haha a random sweet surprise. 🙂


The day when bx cooked corn soup for me. <3 haha thumbs up from the corn-soupie lover.

The day when bx cooked corn soup for me. Was really touched cause.. for a person who doesn’t even know how to crack an egg to cook a pot of decent corn soup, is really amazing. 🙂 Haha 

Jar of love made by me

Jar of love made by me

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Waiting for the bday girl to arrive~

Waiting for the bday girl to arrive~


Happy 21st to phyllis!

Happy 21st to phyllis! Lovely navy blue colour of the cake decorated with macaroons looks “jjang!” 

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Pretty sums up what i’ve been up to for the last month of so~ hehe i’ve been looking through travelogues, blogs and reading articles about Hong Kong the entire evening! Can’t wait to go in 2 days time! I’m really really excited about going to Hong Kong! 🙂 Dim Sum! Hong Kong disneyland! Ocean park! Holiday! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~ Ok, time to pack my luggage & gotta remember to change currency soon! 🙂


blessings on the way



Everything may bring me down, emotions may overwhelm me.

I have to say life really isn’t getting any easier.

But i have to move on, can’t stay stuck forever.. and i will hate myself if i were to be an emotional little girl.

Despite all, praise the Lord still because i know that His thoughts for me is good, thoughts of peace and not of evil. He has plans to give me a future and a hope.

I’m thankful for the little and big blessings in my life.




“Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine   -Howie Day, collide ”




Ok, Happy stuff now!


One thing i have to say it out:







It’s my first time going to USS since it’s ever opened in Singapore.




I’m so not going to take the roller coasters! I know its such a waste if i don’t take them.. but my life is more precious, what if i die halfway?



I’m mainly going there to take silly less thrilling rides and lots of pictures!!!!