Dreams do come , only believe

Yet another nice mundane day,
school and home.
Let’s dream..

Korea~ I’ve been trying to save up money but it really cmi since I do not have a job now.. FYI, Frolick at CCK dao bi (close down) alr. HAHA, i’m tired of worrying and getting excited over the trip (it’s like a cycle) but I can’t stop doing that. But when there’s a will, there’s a way.

Anyways, it’s always been my dream to travel! One of the reasons why is that I have never been overseas until I was in Sec 3. Not even malaysia, imagine how sad and deprived I was. I used to be very jealoussss, when people go overseas, even Malaysia…

My first overseas trip was a school immersion trip to Australia, Perth. And I count myself really blessed to be able to have the opportunity to go there. 😀 😀 😀

The first time I went Malaysia was when I was I think, 18?
And from then on, I have been going in and out of Malaysia since then.
The next country I placed my foot on was Indonesia, Batam!!
And it made me super excited and happy! Haha silly, but true. I had an AWESOME TIME there, as you can tell my joy from the previous posts. 🙂

Lemme see, I’ve been to Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Haha shall I share my dream?
My dream is to go Paris with my lover, go to the top of the Eiffel tower, and kiss.
HAHAHA so shy.. but, my dream will come true~ But, I will have to find my lover first. hahaha 🙂




Everyone seems so busy, 

but i think some actually are busy.. some just think that they are busy, etc~ 

It’s holidays, i don’t get why some can still be super busy. Sobs, it’s hard to meet them up. 

Haha the jobless me need to find a job soon, to fill up my time and to also earn moneyyy. 

What shall i do tmr? I think i will be a guai bao bao.. pack my room and start to find a job. 🙂 

I have been dreaming wierd dreams and i rmb them cause i woke up thinking that my dreams were too ridiculous. And amazingly they are related to what happened during the day. 

On fri i went to Bron’s place and were staring at the frozen worms fed to the fishes.. sat i watched incredible tales before sleeping. Then on sat night, i dreamt that my mum asked me to put worms in the steamboat..?! And another dream was about a haunted umbrella.

 For the past week i had been selling bath mats, and yest night, i dreamt that i was selling bath mats in my dream.. the customer was like lying on the bath mats which were placed on the bed, and i was like trying to promote it saying its very soft and all. 

Here’s a post of my day of blabbers. haha and if you actually read it after seeing the title, you would have spent about 1min of your life reading my nonsense, Yay! 


Haven is a place called home



During the 3D2N chalet at Haven, I read the first few chapters of Come Thirsty- Max Lucado. Really been blessed by some parts so I decided to write them here. 

“Don’t let your heart shrink into a raisin. For the sake of those who need your love, hydrate your soul! Drink often.

Sin, for a season, quenches thirst. But so does salt water. Given time, thirst returns, more demanding and demanding more than ever.

Grace blockage: Taste, but don’t drink. Wet your lips, but never slake your thirst. No swallowing please. Fill your mouth but not your belly. Absurd. What good is grace if your don”t let it go deep.

Grace defines you.

– Max Lucado (Come Thirsty) “




The chalet was power packed, that all the notes taken down have to be slowly digested. 🙂 

The week before I went for the chalet, things weren’t going well. I took very long time falling asleep and even though i slept, i had many weird dreams.

One dream i rmb clearly was being really angry with the person at 7-11 and i went to throw plates on the floor just because it took me 2 hours and i still didn’t manage to buy the 2 siew mai. Never sleep with a hungry tummy. 🙂 

At the chalet I think God is saying that’s enough, no more tears. And somehow felt that weight on my heart lifted, I felt really relaxed and just felt the peace in my heart that really felt comforting. Just felt that all the cares of this world is taken away from my shoulders. 

During the chalet, we had to sleep on the HARD floor in sleeping bags. Who sleeps so much in a chalet? And somehow i was just able to sleep so well that I didn’t even rmb dreaming of anything! I just slept.. 

The sessions were really good, and it really ministered to me. The words shared by leaders were really encouraging and really felt like it is the word in season for me, and for everyone else. Just felt that almost everything shared was speaking to me during the sessions. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Faith level increased!
