BX’s bday part 1/2- 13-feb

Hello it’s me awake at 4+am in the morning because i slept in the afternoon from 5pm til 12 midnight! haha my ‘nap’ was really long. I was really tired though cause of bx’s bday celebration so didn’t get to sleep as much as i normally do. And to admit, i need more sleep then most people do at this age i think.. hahaha. Anyway moving on, i’m gonna just share the pictures i taken during the bday celebration. 🙂

Intended to watch movie, but ended up having to accompany me for job interviews.. Enjoyed cake at Swiss bake!

2015-03-14 01.51.01

Tiramisu & chocolate cake

Met Bx’s family and had a bday dinner at Arbite@Serangoon Gardens.

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The salted-egg fries was damn yummy!!!! :p

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2015-03-14 01.52.05

Ended of the day with a sweet dessert at this hong kong cafe. These are the top 3 flavors: Durian puree looking dessert, mango ice & aiyu mango. 🙂

Next post.. coming right up!


Roadtrip to Malaysia, Muar

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad's hometown. :)

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad’s hometown, to celebrate bx ah ma’s 85th birthday 🙂

Has mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

Had mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

2014-08-30 18.41.31

Traders hotel room

Traders hotel room

2014-08-30 15.10.04 2014-08-30 15.10.19

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch



Curry fish

Curry fish





Egg oyster omelet

Egg oyster omelet



Dong po rou with veggies

Dong po rou with veggies

David (Bing xi's bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

David (Bing xi’s bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

Thats us :)

Thats us 🙂

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

2014-08-30 18.55.40

That's Bingxi's grandma

That’s Bingxi’s grandma

First dish of dinner

First dish of dinner

Followed by appetisers

Followed by appetisers

2014-08-30 20.56.23

Yam ring

Yam ring

2014-08-31 00.22.59 2014-08-31 00.23.10 2014-08-31 00.23.21 2014-08-31 00.23.32 2014-08-31 00.23.37


The next morning, we went to have…. Bak ku Teh for breakfast cum lunch

Muar bak tu teh

Muar bak tu teh

PG advised- hahaha kidding, we just eating otah lah.

And as requested by Megan..

And as requested by Megan..

2014-08-31 12.18.10 2014-08-31 12.21.58


Thoughts from the trip: It was quite a nice trip, I enjoyed travelling to Muar by car. Although we had to squeeze a lil on the car cause there were too many people. Being with his family was quite fun, all of them kept joking around and all. 🙂 It’s mmy first time to Muar, and i would never go there if not to accompany them to celebrate their ah ma’s birthday. So yeah, it was quite an eye-opener for me. I really found that the house at Muar was really interesting!! It’s so traditional- too bad i didn’t take photos at their place. Their bathing area was quite cool cause they can use the pail to bathe & the toilet was not gross as i expected. Muar definately had more things than i expected! I imagined in my head that it would just be a Kampong with mozzies, but unexpectedly there was more.. like shops & all. And for me, I was quite shy since I didn’t know most of the people there.. so yeah there were like 40+ people?! I don’t know really, just too many I was feeling claustrophobic at times.  

I liked the short 2 hours when we went shopping around the shopping mall, cause is like i can finally walk around abit with just Bing Xi and I. 🙂 We bought loads of food from the super market- we the piggies,  went to this shop called living cabinet which has many cute things so we got some cute contact lens casing, jars & a set of pretty thumbprint designed couple cups.  

We spent basically most of the time eating. As you can see from the number of food photos I posted. Haha 🙂 Before we left, we got to eat the famous+must eat Muar Bak ku teh. From what Bing xi told me, Muar is known for their yummy Bak Ku Teh & Otah. His family gave me otah back home for my family to try. 🙂 

My favourite time in Muar is probably during the lantern time, when i just hang around the kids playing lanterns to take photos of them with one of bx cousin’s DSLR  & eating food. hehe 🙂 

I feel better after writing my thoughts down. Thanks for reading & I shall update here again soon. 🙂 ❤ 


have a pot of tea with me

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. :)

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. 🙂

It's really vintage and cosy!

It’s really vintage and cosy!




chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. :)

chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. 🙂

it was really fun today. Hahaha i think the most nonsensical thing i thought of today is to take a picture of the tea and tag guys and quote “you are/are not my cup of tea.” Ok silly thoughts.. but fun moments when u just can be silly. 🙂

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. :) PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn't manage to take a pic of it. :) It was a happy dinner spent.

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. 🙂 PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn’t manage to take a pic of it. 🙂 It was a happy dinner spent.

It’s been a nice day out after sometime. It’s a happy day. Lots of laughter and fun today. After dinner with Mummy, we went for grocery shopping and bought loads of yummy but delicious food. haha it’s been a while since we filled our trolley with healthy food. #feelinghealthy. When you’re postive, your heart is light and happy too. 🙂


another blessed day

On Mon, i was working full shift at Hougang mall. 

Felt really blessed to have Dhanu accompany me the whole day, for Zhenlong to pass by the shop and blessing us with bubble tea & also for Pj and Van to drop by after swimming for yogurt & Kenn to join us for a while. ❤




Below: Van, Pj, Dhanu & I respectively 🙂



Tues i didn’t do much, expect go meet Dhanu, Andrian, Kenn, Bx, Cy for Kbox at Sembawang shopping centre. It was a really great time fellowshipping.. 🙂 

Today I went to meet Raymond for dinner. 

Had Sakae for dinner, had hotpot & ordered MOCHI!! ❤ 

Love mochi, but it was pretty tiny as compared to the one at ichiban boshi.

Raymond ordered sake to satisfy his craving.. tasted not bad.. if only they had lychee flavour or smth. 🙂

Headed down to starbucks after that and chatted for awhile. 

It was really nice to just sit in starbucks not to do the usual studying but just chilling and chatting. 




It always feel great to know that you have a good company, friends whom you can feel comfortable to talk to and listen to. Friends are always great to have. They make life seem more meaningful and more joyful. I thank God for them all. 🙂