Are you ready for a new year?

It’s 2014 but i’m still feeling like it’s the same.
I started my year well, happy watching fireworks in the hotel room of batam & enjoying the company of my Bestie.
I haven’t got to settle down and write my 2014 new year resolutions like how i did the previous years.
It’s probably about the same as the previous year though.
As for this year, I want to cherish the ones I love.
Time keeps passing faster as the years goes by.
People come and go, but I want to treasure those who are still in my life, those whom I am still able to love.
A year to be thankful,
to be hopeful,
and to have faith for what’s ahead and trusting that everything will be alright at the end of the day.
I read from somewhere that worrying means that you are not having enough faith. I want to worry less this year and have more faith. 🙂
A year of forgiveness- to learn to let go of the hurts in 2013 & move on in life
A year of grace- to receive and to give grace
A year of breakthroughs- to do things I’ve never done before
A year of growth- to learn from the past and be stronger
A year of love- to receive love easily, to love others easily
A year of happiness- to enjoy everything i am doing

At the end of the year, I want to tell myself again “The year was great!”
As for now, let’s move on to a new chapter of life in 2014.
Every year is a chance for you to give yourself a reason to make everything right again,
new hope, new challenges, new things..
Whatever is going to happen this year, embrace it.








Pictures credit: tumblr

Thank God for always loving me as a perfect father. I guess I would never be where I am right now, without you. All the things that happened, I would not have been able to withstand if not for the love you’ve given to me. You’re the dearest & one I can trust wholly.

Thank you E412 for playing a huge role in my life, I’m thankful for a spiritual family I can grow in. We may have our ups & downs, but I know that God is in the center of us all. Each and everyone of you hold an important place in my heart yea? xoxo

Thank you ex-E412 ppl, those who got transferred out of E412 last year. You have no idea how much I love you guys!! But it’s ok, I will still get to see yall around in church & all.

Thank you little children in my N15 bus, you all made my saturday a very happy one! Although every week you guys may be naughty, I still love you. Grow up loving God yea?

Thanks siminy for being someone I can truly be myself with. 🙂 Though we may have petty fights here and there, know that i love you yea? hehe. We’re like friends for 11 years and still counting..

Thanks Carina for being an awesome companion, love hanging out in cafes and drawing dates w you. We’ve been friends for like 12 years and still counting..

Thanks for Hazimah for being my cutest malay BFF~ For always being so girly and flowery with me! For being my friend and the time spent tgt. 🙂

Thanks to **aka uncle :p, for always being so nice to me & everyone else. The memories will stay as memories, and thoughts will be thoughts. It’s been a good 2 years+, hope you will find happiness in life & I’ll never forget ur kindness. ^^

Some may not even see this or read my word-press/ know its existence, but I just wanna express my thanks..
There are so many ppl whom I am really thankful for, I love every single ppl who made an impact in my life yea! No one is forgotten. Muack muacks! 🙂


dearies (4)

the smell~ <3

the smell~ ❤

thanks bestie for getting this for me! <3 u remembered i liked this when shopping with u, which is really sweet. haha really. <3
wo de mei ren. Yummay
made by a professional ice cream scooper *simin*

made by a professional ice cream scooper *simin*

Alot of food

Alot of food

YAY food. Haha having buffet back to back. Noms with simin.

YAY food. Haha having buffet back to back. Noms with simin.

This is a random cheesecake that i love. i got while waiting for simin. From beard papa.

This is a random cheesecake that i love. i got while waiting for simin. From beard papa.

oreo cheesecake from sexy ladies~

oreo cheesecake from sexy ladies~

Thanks sexy ladies! Love you girls loads, didn't expect such a sweet surprise from you. <3

Thanks sexy ladies! Love you girls loads, didn’t expect such a sweet surprise from you. ❤