Harris Resort, 3rd batam trip

Say hello to our journey to batam!

This is the first time I bought Ferry tickets & Hotel room separately, and it was like the best decision ever. (Well better than going on the boring tour, where they bring you to the exact same place and not so nice food and boring touristy shops)

I booked the deluxe room for Harris Resort Waterfront hotel from agoda.com at about $130+ for 2 nights stay, which didn’t include the breakfast.

And then i went on the sindo website to search for the ferry tickets as i was departing on friday to Waterfront Ferry Terminal from harbourfront ferry terminal. And apparently there was only one timing for the friday slot at 1130am. Total ferry tickets (Inclusive of the taxes and all) spent was $96 for 2, so is like $48 per pax.

In the morning, I met bx to go there together. Didn’t have a good start for the trip cause we argued with all the drama all was like -_-  anyways, we rushed to the Harbourfront terminal, and we have to collect our boarding pass and tickets at the 3rd level at the Sindo Counter. And below is us waiting for our ferry to come. We made up after a while, so everything’s good. Got a hot chocolate drink while waiting and ready for an exciting trip! 🙂

2015-01-16 11.05.00

2015-01-16 11.28.18

2015-01-18 21.20.54

It was an approximately 45 minutes journey to waterfront ferry terminal. The ferry would stop by Sekupang for like 5-10 mins first before heading to waterfront, so take note not to drop down at the wrong station! 🙂

When we reached the ferry terminal, there were staffs from Harris Resort accompanied by the orange shuttle bus to fetch us to the hotel. This is what I call awesome, haha no need to cab, more importantly, no need to pay extra for transport. 😀

Then when we reach the hotel, this cute dino was at the entrance! HAHAHA cute leh, i had to take a picture with it.

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Below is the reception counter. Staffs with orange uniform and cute name tags.. 🙂

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And the lobby..

2015-01-18 21.21.00

The check-in time was supposed to be 2pm, but we arrived at 12pm. We requested for a double bed and pool view.. so we had to loiter around the resort for like, 2 hours with our bags. :/

First stop, to the huge swimming pool to take photo!

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2015-01-18 21.22.17

We went to the Harris cafe to have our lunch. :p

The pizza below is like medium size, there is only one size to choose from. It’s good for 2 to share. 🙂 Costs abt SGD13.

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After lunch, we went to roam around the resort and to check out what facilities they have. They have the gym, spa, manicure+salon, karaoke, bowling, some shooting range, abandoned paintball section, some places are quite creak creak cause when we went, there was like nobody. Only us roaming around and the staffs taking care of the area.. haha.

So we went to the rooftop spa to take pictures! That’s where the resort’s spa is, and where the massage is done.. in this hut looking place, there is even a jaccuzi inside!

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Next, we went to the mini beach at the side of the resort. 🙂

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2015-01-18 21.59.31

There’s a station where the ATV are for rental..

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After we finished our tour around the resort, we went check-in!! Yay yay yay!

Look at the adorable hotel card 🙂

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That’s how the hotel room look like. The room is really awesome, yknow why? Cause there are really alot of channels to choose from, i’m not kidding you. There’s even nickelodeon, starworld, mtv, and korean channel (which i watched abt this makeup tutorial.. haha poor bx i wonder what did u learn from it. :p ) I chose the old wing of the resort, cause of the bath tub!! The main point of me choosing a hotel.. is having a bathtub! What’s a holiday without doing bubble bath? 🙂

I like the pool view as well, cause i get to see the blue pool, and people flying in midair.. (flying fox)

2015-01-16 15.21.51

After a short time of nuaing in the hotel, we went to take the shuttle bus at 4pm to Nagoya Hill. And then.. the transportation is FREE! YAYYY awesome, we saved on transport.

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2015-01-16 22.08.30

Welcome to… Nagoya Hill!

2015-01-18 22.00.00

hello to the large hallway that greeted us.

2015-01-18 22.00.07

We went to have A&W for dinner. 🙂 That chocolate cake with ice cream is like only SGD 0.70! 😛

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2015-01-18 22.00.23

There is a Hello Kitty shop, which i couldn’t resist but bought a pair of hello kitty earrings & towel. 🙂

But i think my earrings went into the laundry and i donno where it went now.. 😦 😦 But yea this is how is looked like.

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we went to the hypermart at basement to get some snacks! 🙂

And then went to Eska (trip advisor recommended) to do my nails.

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2015-01-18 22.00.25

Happy girl finally did her nails after a long 5 months of naked nails.

2015-01-18 22.00.30

Our snacks! Hehe the hada labo products are really cheap there.. only abt SGD5-6.

We also bought the Palmolive body wash to create bubbles for the bubble bath! Clever right? heheh never use hotel’s soap to bubble bath cause no bubbles one, and it makes u feel itchy. :/  The bubble bath was so awesome, the bubbles stayed for long and the smell was really nice. hehe i miss doing bubble baths.

2015-01-16 22.08.26

Good morning, hello day 2!

We had the milo and koko crunch for breakfast.

And they actually have milk powder for u to make the hot milk.. so cool. And there is even spoon inside. :*

After breakfast, we visited the bowling alley. Haha wells we both don’t bowl, its all about the fun & watching the ball roll into the gutter. 😀 At least we had some points uh.

2015-01-18 22.01.05

2015-01-18 22.01.04

We went back to Nagoya Hill for aromatherapy massage + chocolate scrub. 🙂

Per pax only $17 for an hour massage, $10 thirty mins scrub.

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2015-01-18 22.01.41

We went to take cab to golden prawn for seafood dinner, which i kinda regretted. Cause the cab was like SGD30 2 ways.. the cab was nice and premium so not bad. The thing is the restaurant uh.. really fail. Never going back again..

We are finish the crab & prawns alr, but the kang kong still didn’t come. 😦 We asked the staff for like abt 5 times but the kang kong didn’t come.. the staff keep saying cooking cooking. End up, didn’t. And the staff asked another staff to come and ask us if we want to cancel the kang kong, when we were like saying we want the kang kong. So we decided to just cancel the kang kong cause they totally didn’t get it. Anyways, yeah its quite disappointing luh and we had an unfulfilled meal. I was still hungry.  Haha sorry, i couldn’t get over the fact that the kang kong didn’t come.

But yea moving on, we cabbed back.

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2015-01-18 22.01.52

2015-01-18 22.02.15

2015-01-18 22.02.05

Thankfully, the cab driver made our trip a wonderful one.. He gave us some tips about batam & chatted with us the whole way back. His cab was really cool too.. have MTV video one. He was kind to for the extra mile to show us a nice view of batam from this place where people chill, drink, smoke shisha.. so we just went to look look. 🙂

2015-01-18 22.02.01

That’s our loots for day 2. Even more snacks then the first day 🙂 We also bought Kueh Lapis.

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It’s our final night in batam,

we ordered room service for supper.. cause we were still hungry. The salmon with rice was really good!!! The burger was not bad too.. bx was like raving of how awesome is the salmon and he don’t mind eating 10 of it. hahaha. It was the nicest meal out of all though its abit costly, like $40 for the total. But ok la, room service is normally expensive.. and people have to cook for u at an unearthly hour… 🙂

2015-01-18 22.02.02

2015-01-18 22.02.07

2015-01-18 22.02.26Ending our trip by doing flying fox followed by having a quick swim in the huge swimming pool.

The flying fox was from the top of the hotel.. hahaha felt like it was jumping off the resort kind of feeling.. cause we were on the 6th floor.

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2015-01-18 22.02.50

Total expenses: $600 for 2

That’s the end of the trip!

Thanks for popping by and reading my wordpress! ❤


Roadtrip to Malaysia, Muar

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad's hometown. :)

On the way to spend the weekend at Muar, Bing xi dad’s hometown, to celebrate bx ah ma’s 85th birthday 🙂

Has mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

Had mee kia for breakfast when we first reached Muar.

2014-08-30 18.41.31

Traders hotel room

Traders hotel room

2014-08-30 15.10.04 2014-08-30 15.10.19

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

A nice seaview from the windows of the hotel

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch

Had a spread of yummy food at Lunch



Curry fish

Curry fish





Egg oyster omelet

Egg oyster omelet



Dong po rou with veggies

Dong po rou with veggies

David (Bing xi's bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

David (Bing xi’s bro) & Xue Ting(GF)

Thats us :)

Thats us 🙂

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

Coincidentally, we wore couple clothes!

2014-08-30 18.55.40

That's Bingxi's grandma

That’s Bingxi’s grandma

First dish of dinner

First dish of dinner

Followed by appetisers

Followed by appetisers

2014-08-30 20.56.23

Yam ring

Yam ring

2014-08-31 00.22.59 2014-08-31 00.23.10 2014-08-31 00.23.21 2014-08-31 00.23.32 2014-08-31 00.23.37


The next morning, we went to have…. Bak ku Teh for breakfast cum lunch

Muar bak tu teh

Muar bak tu teh

PG advised- hahaha kidding, we just eating otah lah.

And as requested by Megan..

And as requested by Megan..

2014-08-31 12.18.10 2014-08-31 12.21.58


Thoughts from the trip: It was quite a nice trip, I enjoyed travelling to Muar by car. Although we had to squeeze a lil on the car cause there were too many people. Being with his family was quite fun, all of them kept joking around and all. 🙂 It’s mmy first time to Muar, and i would never go there if not to accompany them to celebrate their ah ma’s birthday. So yeah, it was quite an eye-opener for me. I really found that the house at Muar was really interesting!! It’s so traditional- too bad i didn’t take photos at their place. Their bathing area was quite cool cause they can use the pail to bathe & the toilet was not gross as i expected. Muar definately had more things than i expected! I imagined in my head that it would just be a Kampong with mozzies, but unexpectedly there was more.. like shops & all. And for me, I was quite shy since I didn’t know most of the people there.. so yeah there were like 40+ people?! I don’t know really, just too many I was feeling claustrophobic at times.  

I liked the short 2 hours when we went shopping around the shopping mall, cause is like i can finally walk around abit with just Bing Xi and I. 🙂 We bought loads of food from the super market- we the piggies,  went to this shop called living cabinet which has many cute things so we got some cute contact lens casing, jars & a set of pretty thumbprint designed couple cups.  

We spent basically most of the time eating. As you can see from the number of food photos I posted. Haha 🙂 Before we left, we got to eat the famous+must eat Muar Bak ku teh. From what Bing xi told me, Muar is known for their yummy Bak Ku Teh & Otah. His family gave me otah back home for my family to try. 🙂 

My favourite time in Muar is probably during the lantern time, when i just hang around the kids playing lanterns to take photos of them with one of bx cousin’s DSLR  & eating food. hehe 🙂 

I feel better after writing my thoughts down. Thanks for reading & I shall update here again soon. 🙂 ❤