Double edged sWORD

I guess nobody knew there was a period, but i felt so hopeless,
Cell group? tired of the religious duty.
Spiritual walk? Meh.. I could barely make it.
dreams and visions? Not even near..
Me? tired and bored of the same routines 😦

Haha unholy much, I know. :/

Honestly, it was because I have been not been connecting to the word.. which makes life tougher to get by somehow.
However, despite all that, my love for Him was there. ❤
I hoped and hoped that someday things would be different.

Bing xi and I decided to commit to daily quiet time tgt at a certain time daily. 🙂

How to get back to God? ❤
Take action daily.
Spend abit of time to do anything that connects you to the word.
As for me, I spend minimum 30mins to do whatever I want that is related to connecting to Him.
Somedays I would listen to Joyce Meyer's sermon, listen to praise and worship.. basically anything.

(Things to say on purpose.- Joyce meyer sermon notes)

What I felt was for me is that:
You should concentrate on positive things on what you should do rather than what you should not do.

You cannot rise above your own confession. If you say you are not good enough to do certain things, then you most probably will fail.

Sometimes we may speak too much negative things so naturally that it gradually makes you a negative and sad person. You depress yourself from your own words. I am no exception, there are seasons when I get so negative in my thinking/words that I lost all motivation and I was a depressed soul for that period. Until I make an effort to say, negativity is enough!

With your words, you can discourage yourself/ depress yourself or you can encourage yourself or cheer yourself up.

Wanna know what type of person is one? Listen to them and you can know by the way they speak.

I am blessed when I go in and blessed when I go out.
You have authority of your life more than anybody else does.
Don’t care what others say to you negatively, you can overturn what they say into something positively.
Speak the word of God to yourself that other people are trying to make.
I’m blessed!!!! Nobody has more authority in your life than you do. S
top expecting some preacher to come into your life and fix it.
Say to yourself.. Everything I do, take is blessed.

Psalm 100:4 Be thankful and say so.
Have a thank session every morning.
He has given us a mouth to glorify God, it is so much happier people would be if they would keep their heart and mind and mouth full of gratitude.
Thank God for circumstances no matter what it may be.

Good night and sweet dreams! God bless you, my dear readers. 🙂


not just another religious duty

Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.

Half-hearted prayer receives nothing from God.

Without thirst and hunger, we are just praying our of religious duties and obligations. 

We become those whose lips honor Him but whose hearts are far from Him. 

When this walk of faith, is actually nothing but a relationship. 




When i was younger, I’ve thought that life was hard and that it will get easier soon. 

But as the years went by, I wondered, why is life just getting harder?

I realize that the challenges I went through were tougher and the pain i experienced increased. 

I somehow feel that life is like a game.

When life is at it’s beginning stage, it’s actually easy.. but it’s only hard to you because you are unfamiliar about the game. 

However as you carry on with the game, you realize that you are getting the hang of it.

And you are doing so well in it and totally owning the game.

But as you go on, you suddenly realize that it just gets tougher.. different levels, different challenges. Higher levels, bigger challenges. 

There comes a point when it gets so tough that you think it’s impossible to pass through that certain level. But you know what, if you stop trying and decided to give up.. it’ll be game over. However, you keep trying and keep trying.. And finally, you passed that level!!

Life feels just like it. 



I am going to keep fighting and believe that i can get to the next level. 

Keep on the good fight and take refuge in the only one whom provides total protection. 

I am going to keep the faith despite any circumstances. If God is for me, who can be against me? 

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. 



Where are you?

When things go wrong it’s easy to ask, ” Jesus, Where are You when i need you?” It seems that I have failed you or that My love and patience have run out. At times like that your faith is being tested, and when you react in doubt rather than faith, you limit My ability to help you. It can become a vicious cycle.

Yet there are some people who remain positive, no matter what their circumstances. How can they face disappointments and even disaster so calmly? It’s because they have strong faith in My love and the promises I’ve made in My word. It’s because they have sought and found a personal link with Me. It’s because they have learnt to turn to Me in their times of need. It’s not that their faith is never tested, but they know where to turn to for the help they need to pass the test.

Here’s the secret to that kind of victory: Prepare for the hard times by learning to stay close to Me when times are good. Make a point of looking for My loving hand at work around you. Count your blessings. Cultivate an attitude of faith and trust and thankfulness. Then when the going gets tough, you will know I’m only a prayer away.

Credits: From Jesus with love-For troubled times.