It’s a date.

4th month date. :)

4th month date. 🙂

Went to Chiso Zanmai@ The Central at Clarke Quay, for our 4th month date- ( haha not a monthsary, but date).

Beef spaggetti

Beef spaggetti

Complimentary Hotpot

Complimentary Hotpot

nice soba

nice soba

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p

Salmon! I kinda threw some in the hotpot. :p



Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Desserts! BX had around 6 of the brownies.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

Ice-cream topped with many other toppings.

We ate quite alot, it took us hours for the food to digest. BX’s tummy stayed round the whole day. hahaha :p Recommend to go during lunch hours cause it’s only $14.90++ for the Japanese buffet with a suitable amount of food.

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we'll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. :)

Just wanna say, sorry for all the times i got mad at you. haha sorry for upsetting u at times too. But yeah, we’ll make it through still. Our love will keep us together. 🙂