Are you ready for a new year?

It’s 2014 but i’m still feeling like it’s the same.
I started my year well, happy watching fireworks in the hotel room of batam & enjoying the company of my Bestie.
I haven’t got to settle down and write my 2014 new year resolutions like how i did the previous years.
It’s probably about the same as the previous year though.
As for this year, I want to cherish the ones I love.
Time keeps passing faster as the years goes by.
People come and go, but I want to treasure those who are still in my life, those whom I am still able to love.
A year to be thankful,
to be hopeful,
and to have faith for what’s ahead and trusting that everything will be alright at the end of the day.
I read from somewhere that worrying means that you are not having enough faith. I want to worry less this year and have more faith. 🙂
A year of forgiveness- to learn to let go of the hurts in 2013 & move on in life
A year of grace- to receive and to give grace
A year of breakthroughs- to do things I’ve never done before
A year of growth- to learn from the past and be stronger
A year of love- to receive love easily, to love others easily
A year of happiness- to enjoy everything i am doing

At the end of the year, I want to tell myself again “The year was great!”
As for now, let’s move on to a new chapter of life in 2014.
Every year is a chance for you to give yourself a reason to make everything right again,
new hope, new challenges, new things..
Whatever is going to happen this year, embrace it.








Pictures credit: tumblr

Thank God for always loving me as a perfect father. I guess I would never be where I am right now, without you. All the things that happened, I would not have been able to withstand if not for the love you’ve given to me. You’re the dearest & one I can trust wholly.

Thank you E412 for playing a huge role in my life, I’m thankful for a spiritual family I can grow in. We may have our ups & downs, but I know that God is in the center of us all. Each and everyone of you hold an important place in my heart yea? xoxo

Thank you ex-E412 ppl, those who got transferred out of E412 last year. You have no idea how much I love you guys!! But it’s ok, I will still get to see yall around in church & all.

Thank you little children in my N15 bus, you all made my saturday a very happy one! Although every week you guys may be naughty, I still love you. Grow up loving God yea?

Thanks siminy for being someone I can truly be myself with. 🙂 Though we may have petty fights here and there, know that i love you yea? hehe. We’re like friends for 11 years and still counting..

Thanks Carina for being an awesome companion, love hanging out in cafes and drawing dates w you. We’ve been friends for like 12 years and still counting..

Thanks for Hazimah for being my cutest malay BFF~ For always being so girly and flowery with me! For being my friend and the time spent tgt. 🙂

Thanks to **aka uncle :p, for always being so nice to me & everyone else. The memories will stay as memories, and thoughts will be thoughts. It’s been a good 2 years+, hope you will find happiness in life & I’ll never forget ur kindness. ^^

Some may not even see this or read my word-press/ know its existence, but I just wanna express my thanks..
There are so many ppl whom I am really thankful for, I love every single ppl who made an impact in my life yea! No one is forgotten. Muack muacks! 🙂


you’re not alone



Everyone goes through challenges in life, no matter big or small. 

When things actually happens to you, everything seems to be magnified.

Times like these makes you more vulnerable somehow, as negative thoughts slowly tries to sneak in without you knowing.. robbing away your happy thoughts..

That’s when you have to make a choice, to let in the good and keep the bad out. 

When times are good, it’s always easy to trust and believe that God is working in your life.

But when times are bad, your perspective will change.. you start to have choices.

Either to blame and be angry at God

or to cry and wail and sulk but yet still grabbing onto that hope, that God will help you through.

It’s not an easy thing to do.

Anyone can easily give up,

but holding onto that hope even when the world says you deserve the right to give up.. is not easy.

When things get tough, it’s easy to place yourself in the priority seat. Everything and everything has got to meet MY needs and MY feelings. I deserve this, i deserve that….

But why not look at another perspective?

When it’s not about me, but it’s about placing God in the center of your life.

It’s about still caring for your neighbor.. 

be nice to everyone, you’ll never know the struggles they may be facing in life.. and a little love  and selflessness may be good for them and also for yourself.

Choose to look beyond yourself, not inward looking, and loving others as yourself.

Let Jesus be the center of your life,

and your problem will be smaller when it’s placed in God’s hands.

As you face challenges in life that may seem so dark, hold onto your friend’s hand and walk through the storms of life together. 🙂


Thanks for reading my reflections.


not just another religious duty

Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.

Half-hearted prayer receives nothing from God.

Without thirst and hunger, we are just praying our of religious duties and obligations. 

We become those whose lips honor Him but whose hearts are far from Him. 

When this walk of faith, is actually nothing but a relationship. 




When i was younger, I’ve thought that life was hard and that it will get easier soon. 

But as the years went by, I wondered, why is life just getting harder?

I realize that the challenges I went through were tougher and the pain i experienced increased. 

I somehow feel that life is like a game.

When life is at it’s beginning stage, it’s actually easy.. but it’s only hard to you because you are unfamiliar about the game. 

However as you carry on with the game, you realize that you are getting the hang of it.

And you are doing so well in it and totally owning the game.

But as you go on, you suddenly realize that it just gets tougher.. different levels, different challenges. Higher levels, bigger challenges. 

There comes a point when it gets so tough that you think it’s impossible to pass through that certain level. But you know what, if you stop trying and decided to give up.. it’ll be game over. However, you keep trying and keep trying.. And finally, you passed that level!!

Life feels just like it. 



I am going to keep fighting and believe that i can get to the next level. 

Keep on the good fight and take refuge in the only one whom provides total protection. 

I am going to keep the faith despite any circumstances. If God is for me, who can be against me? 

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. 
