My 20th birthday (2/2)

Thanks dearest simin for coming down to my place just to countdown my birthday!

Thanks dearest simin for coming down to my place just to countdown my birthday despite having exams!

Lunch @Saveurs

Lunch @Saveurs

The must-try-according-to-the-reviews, duck confetti  $9.90

The must-try-according-to-the-reviews, duck confetti $9.90

We each had a cute mini plate of pasta with baby shrimps $4.90

We each had a cute mini plate of pasta with baby shrimps $4.90

A plate of bubbles.. $8.90

A plate of bubbles.. $8.90

haha kidding.. its;s called milk and cookies. Its actually cookie dough mixed with popping candies and rum. It's quite interesting. :)

haha kidding.. its;s called milk and cookies. Its actually cookie dough mixed with popping candies and rum. It’s quite interesting. 🙂

haha wierd person just photobombed

haha wierd person just photobombed



bx bought me 6 stalks of roses, I tested him and he knows the meaning.. no bad. hahaha

bx bought me 6 stalks of roses, I tested him and he knows the meaning.. no bad. hahaha




Dinner at Yokoisen @clarke quay According to the reviews, this is the one of the must try.. miso chicken thingy. I forgot the name. $15.90

Dinner at Yokoisen @clarke quay
According to the reviews, this is the one of the must try.. miso chicken thingy. I forgot the name. $15.90


This was also recommended.. haha but its nicer than the other one. This got egg, chicken, pork and prawn.. so the variety was nice. :)

This was also recommended.. haha but its nicer than the other one. This got egg, chicken, pork and prawn.. so the variety was nice. 🙂 $13.90

This blur bf.. was supposed to keep the cake as a secret. End up told me that he needs to call 'chocolate origin' initially.. then went ahead to call them in front of me and said '...cake...' LOL, we laughed like mad after he let the cat out of the bag.

This blur bf.. was supposed to keep the cake as a secret. End up told me that he needs to call ‘chocolate origin’ initially.. then went ahead to call them in front of me and said ‘…cake…’ LOL, we laughed like mad after he let the cat out of the bag.











here's a happy and blessed 20 year old girl, thanking all my beloved bff & bf for spending my birthday with me~ <3 <3 <3 LOTSA LOVE<3

here’s a happy and blessed 20 year old girl, thanking all my beloved bff & bf for spending my birthday with me~ ❤ ❤ ❤ LOTSA LOVE<3


with my best friend

inspired from a hair tutorial on youtube. I tied 3 sections before i slept and got these curls when i wake up. But, may not do it again, it was quite uncomfortable to sleep with these. :)

haha ps mummy in the back ground. hair was inspired from a hair tutorial on youtube. I tied 3 sections before i slept and got these curls when i wake up. But, may not do it again, it was quite uncomfortable to sleep with these. 🙂

Going on a trip to JB with my best friend. <3

Going on a trip to JB with my best friend. ❤

It's green, but yummy! Simin loved it.
After attempting to open it to look pretty, the custard overflowed.

After attempting to open it to look pretty, the custard overflowed.

It's purple salted custard bun!! We were arguing if its what colour. haha and i was right :p

It’s purple salted custard bun!! We were arguing if its what colour. haha and i was right :p


Egg tarts

Egg tarts

Har gao

Har gao

Cute action city filled with minions

Cute action city filled with minions

yeap, our blinded eyes

yeap, our blinded eyes

Our attempt to take pics in the theater.. #blinded eyes

Our attempt to take pics in the theater.. #blinded eyes

By the way, we watched hunger games 2! The show was nice, but the ending is kinda crappy. Haha 🙂



hehe i bought this cute pink dress with daisy prints. :D

hehe i bought this cute pink dress with daisy prints. 😀


Look at my cute drink!

Look at my cute drink!


Have u ever wondered how it would feel like eating from a toilet bowl?

Have u ever wondered how it would feel like eating from a toilet bowl?



2 cute oreo ice-blended

2 cute oreo ice-blended


Good night dears, it was a fun day today. I enjoyed myself. lovelove. 🙂


have a pot of tea with me

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. :)

Met up with Car and went to Carpenter Cook. Quite a pretty place, vintage feel. Really cosy to be in. 🙂

It's really vintage and cosy!

It’s really vintage and cosy!




chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. :)

chocolate caramel seasalt tart, passionfruite meringue. With a pot of dainty strawberry shortcake tea. 🙂

it was really fun today. Hahaha i think the most nonsensical thing i thought of today is to take a picture of the tea and tag guys and quote “you are/are not my cup of tea.” Ok silly thoughts.. but fun moments when u just can be silly. 🙂

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

its been a while since i took effort to draw something. haha at least i tried..

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. :) PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn't manage to take a pic of it. :) It was a happy dinner spent.

Headed down to bukit timah shopping centre to find mummy. Dinner together. 🙂 PS: there was satay too, but we finished it so i didn’t manage to take a pic of it. 🙂 It was a happy dinner spent.

It’s been a nice day out after sometime. It’s a happy day. Lots of laughter and fun today. After dinner with Mummy, we went for grocery shopping and bought loads of yummy but delicious food. haha it’s been a while since we filled our trolley with healthy food. #feelinghealthy. When you’re postive, your heart is light and happy too. 🙂


if you miss me, here are my pics. haha, kidding.

This is one of my girls from N15. She's so loveable, a sweet talker who can melt ur heart. lovelove :)

This is one of my girls from N15. She’s so loveable, a sweet talker who can melt ur heart. lovelove 🙂

Thurs- bought party hats and masks, and all the stuff at giant supermarket with bingxi for kenneth's 21st bday party!

Thurs- bought party hats and masks, and all the stuff at giant supermarket with bingxi for kenneth’s 21st bday party!

thurs- look at our loots! haha a trolley filled with loads of yummy goodies

thurs- look at our loots! haha a trolley filled with loads of yummy goodies

with the trolley guy of the day. haha thanks for the great help :)

with the trolley guy of the day. haha thanks for the great help 🙂

thurs- there's one-for-one for sandwiches for the day! Yay us!

thurs- there’s one-for-one for sandwiches for the day! Yay us!

look at the super long list of ingredients bought!

look at the super long list of ingredients bought!

Yay waffle party!

Yay waffle party!

Mac and cheese cupcakes

Mac and cheese cupcakes

a wide spread of food prepared for the special birthday boy, kenn. Thanks bx, brons, zl, ql, chiewy, and all for helping out. :)

a wide spread of food prepared for the special birthday boy, kenn. Thanks bx, brons, zl, ql, chiewy, and all for helping out. 🙂

with the bday boy!

with the bday boy!

Yest, weds. Date with my bff, car. :) Our second time eating the durian shaved ice at Ji De Chi. Look at my random tang yuan. They even know i like pink! haha :)

Yest, weds. Date with my bff, car. 🙂 Our second time eating the durian shaved ice at Ji De Chi. Look at my random tang yuan. They even know i like pink! haha 🙂

Pretty maki-san pacaking

Pretty maki-san packaging

noms at Maki-san. First time trying this out, it was yummy. But it's really quite ex for sushi. This big-maki-san costs $9.90.. So i guess it pays for having a pretty packaging.

noms at Maki-san. First time trying this out, it was yummy. But it’s really quite ex for sushi. This big-maki-san costs $9.90.. So i guess it pays for having a pretty packaging.

my bff :)

my bff 🙂

We say sushi!

We say sushi!

chill by the night scene at someset, enjoying muffin, drinks, running man. and a nice company. :)

chill by the night scene at someset, enjoying muffin, drinks, running man. and a nice company. 🙂

i like the scenary here. :)

i like the scenary here. 🙂


You just know when someone have a special place in ur heart. No words have to be said, we just know it. And that’s how we are. 🙂

today, weds.  Night time i had a nice dinner with mummy. :) I love having dinner with her cause, i get to eat yummy fooood. I have been working, so usually i try not to spend too much on food. YAY, three cheers to mummy!

today, weds. Night time i had a nice dinner with mummy. 🙂 I love having dinner with her cause, i get to eat yummy fooood. I have been working, so usually i try not to spend too much on food. YAY, three cheers to mummy!

Xiao long bao! Paradise dynasty's xiao long bao is just, awesome. :D

Xiao long bao! Paradise dynasty’s xiao long bao is just, awesome. 😀

the lamian, soupy is nice.

the lamian, soupy is nice.

my lil portion of la mien.

my lil portion of la mien.