BX’s bday part 1/2- 13-feb

Hello it’s me awake at 4+am in the morning because i slept in the afternoon from 5pm til 12 midnight! haha my ‘nap’ was really long. I was really tired though cause of bx’s bday celebration so didn’t get to sleep as much as i normally do. And to admit, i need more sleep then most people do at this age i think.. hahaha. Anyway moving on, i’m gonna just share the pictures i taken during the bday celebration. 🙂

Intended to watch movie, but ended up having to accompany me for job interviews.. Enjoyed cake at Swiss bake!

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Tiramisu & chocolate cake

Met Bx’s family and had a bday dinner at Arbite@Serangoon Gardens.

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The salted-egg fries was damn yummy!!!! :p

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Ended of the day with a sweet dessert at this hong kong cafe. These are the top 3 flavors: Durian puree looking dessert, mango ice & aiyu mango. 🙂

Next post.. coming right up!