Have a great attitude :)

Proverbs 4:13

Pastor Phil Pringle- Attitude
Always have a great attitude.
Always find humour in everything, see the funny side.
The more you have God encounters, the more Christ like you will be.
There are always attitudes that always creep up to you.

You are going to rise to the attitude you have.
Even when people are dumping on you, that’s when you know how strong are you, guarding your attitude.
Whatever dirt that is dumped on you, shake it off, you can use them to climb higher in life.
Your attitude is going to be on your reaction.
It is going to let you live or die.
When Jesus was reviled, and hated and persecuted, he returned with honey. He didn’t become sour, threats and arguments, He didn’t let them get to him.
Don’t let anyone bring you down to their level by responding to their attitude that they are sending your way.
Be baptised in the holy attitude and Holy Spirit.
You are a separate person, you have a different attitude, and you are like a light in the darkness. People will think how come you are so peaceful in a crisis, have a holy attitude.
Every part of your life comes out of your attitude.

Your attitude is going to spread, it is contagious.
A group having an electric shock were measured in their brainwaves; people watching are also having the same trepidations. Emotions are contagious.
It’s not about how many people, but it’s about the courage and faith that we have.
Proverbs 25 & 28
You never want to let anger off the leash.
To have the ability to rule over your attitude
When Jesus was on the cross, he was thinking about His mother. He was still filled with grace and peace under the worst pressure. He wasn’t returning the same amount of attitude that was coming his way. Blessing those who are cursing Him.

One element to a great attitude
Willing hearted: The willing hearted, nothing is too hard for them. You don’t have to drag them in life and find excuses. When you got an unwilling attitude, you will feel that you cannot get on the same page as everybody else in life. It’s always like I’m not sure about coming along, I’m not sure about being here or doing that. The willing always has solutions.
When you are willing hearted, you don’t know how you can, we do what we can. Even when you are not that keen of doing what I’m being asked to do, that’s when I can rule my spirit and say I’m going to do. You don’t know how willing you are to serve God until you are asked to do something you don’t really want to do. When you can see a reason to change your attitude.
You can rule over your spirit, smile, get yourself baptised from the Holy Spirit.