Little joys in working

10 continuous day of working + school is no joke,
now i know how it feels.
Working is really fun cause of the people I met.
The neighboring aunty was super nice and helped me when I needed as I was the only one in the stall. 😀
On thurs, an uncle who plays magic came to my shop and performed for me to see! Haha it’s super amazing, he did some tricks with the rubber band, cards, and stuff. I super love to watch such stuff, feels like Liu Qian was in front of me. haha 🙂
Yest, was more interesting cause.. people were really nice to me! The neighbouring aunty asked me if i needed lunch & I just asked her to get what she was getting, so she got me chicken rice. Then in the evening, she got me a pack of chicken rice again cause she was worried I didn’t have time to get food. Super sweet la, but haha but chicken rice overload..
Oh and the neighboring China guy who works in the coffee stall was also super nice, he bought drinks for his colleagues and then got one for me too! 🙂 🙂 Feeling really touched by these little actions. Makes working alot more happier. 🙂
And yeap, yest there’s this guy who asked if I knew magic, so I told him i only know one trick.
Then I showed him luh..
He said smth like if he can do the magic, He would have to ask me out (which he didn’t luh).
then he did the same steps as me, but pretended he couldn’t find my card when actually he found it.
But in the end we chatted abit then shook hands then he left. Hahaha omg he was super cute though.. hahaha, just saying just saying.

I’ve been working alone in the stall for the past week, and yay i won’t be alone anymore cause the in-charge is back!! Thankful that he got me pretty pink souvenir from Bangkok. 😀

Anyways, thanks for reading this whole lot of me rambling about work. But yea, recently that’s all i’ve been doing besides school. And school has been mundane, so yea I know I have no life. haha I will get my life back when CNY is here! 🙂