Life as a student care teacher

It’s been a while since I actually have time to ramble on my little space here. Feels nice to be able to share my thoughts here again after some time. Hehe 🙂 Currently, I’m working in a student care centre, taking my form class of P2 students. I like it here, it’s comfy and I get to take care of my own class of kids. Being with kids is always happening, like i’m constantly busy. Being a teacher is like being a mother actually. Must care for them, take care of them, feed them, ensure that they finish their homework, entertain them, and even clean their vomit ( one child wasn’t feeling well so he vomited like several times per day for a few days this week. oh my tian)..

Although sometimes they can get distracted from doing homework and I’ll be angry that they’re not focusing but the kids nowadays have too much homework to do!! I really feel sad for them sometimes.

But yeah, my work here been great thus far. Still have a lot to learn. 🙂 It’s been about 2 months since i started working here.. Life has been pretty good to me. Feel like although my life is not like super happening, but at least I’m happy. 🙂

I’m hoping that I can get into NIE’s diploma course.. although I feel that it might be a little tough now that they asked me to submit art portfolio which I don’t have. -_-  I just put art as one of the choices cause I thought can just put as one of it as a side choice, but i didn’t know that they would just put me to the arts section and even request for an art portfolio. so feeling abit discouraged cause they didn’t respond to my request of teaching general subjects. So hopefully, I’ll get a reply soon about it. Although I’ll most probably bug them for a reply. heheheh. 🙂

Also… Can’t wait to go for the Hong Kong trip with Simin in November!!!!!!! Hehehehe. Gonna eat, shop, sleep, travel, play all day all night there! Gotta save money now so that I have enough to spend there.

Before trip: eat grass

After trip: also eat grass