Nua worm

Hello it’s me, finally ended my internship 3 weeks ago & now currently busy rotting at home all day watching korean dramas (Hotel king!!! ), return of superman and running man. I’m kinda living the slug life now, been slacking at home everyday now. Because internship simply was draining due to the irregular shift working hours & low pay. But i’m glad its over!

Been thinking about life & existence recently.. religion & such.. haha maybe cause i’ve been away from church for a while & reality starts creeping in slowly. I was away from church & serving in children’s church for like the longest time.. I miss the feeling of having company, the days when I felt like I had a lot of friends around me. The days when children’s church was my responsibility & it was what kept me disciplined to wake up every saturday morning to serve. I miss the kids but i feel that i’m still not prepared to go back to continue the routine. I’m not prepared to go through the motion like what i did before. (it’s really tiring) or maybe it’s the only right thing to do.

It’s time for me to kick my butt and start doing some stuff again! Been packing my bed area, haha and i can say i keep ALOT of nonsense things.. i’m a really sentimental person i think, i love keeping random stuff like plushies, keychains, things that people give me in the past, to really nonsensical things like wrapping paper with words on them, the running number ( the number tag that u hook on ur shirt during runs),  i think the most meaningful one would be letters & photo albums. It’s like a habit since young.. even when i was young i would collect alot of items that are meaningful to me. Omg i think i even have the leotard (costume) & the ballet looking shoes that i used when i was gymnastics. I love looking at them and repacking them when i have the free time.. maybe once a year or when they get really dusty. Memories~

Anyway, thanks for whoever reading this whole lot of words that do not really have any point other then my random thoughts.

Slug me, signing off!

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