Just one step towards You

There are days when I feel dry, and empty.. days when I am far away from God.
But in times like these, you’ll tend to be more desperate & hunger for Him more.
Sometimes, I tell myself that.. I am not holy enough because I don’t….
I like to be free & have options.. & not obligations.

I guess God would always assure me that He is still with me.
He always has a special place in my heart, and no one else can take away that place.
Although I may drift away sometimes, but just listening to a single praise/worship song brings me back to God instantly. 🙂
So I guess its true.. if you take one step towards to God, He will take a thousand towards you.

Guess what I say may make sense or maybe it doesn’t.. haha anyway I don’t even know if its right or wrong. But who cares.. haha I mean it’s my WordPress so I want to freely say what I want.

2 thoughts on “Just one step towards You

  1. I don’t know how did I get here but i just want to say you blessed me so much with your post. I’ll defs come back and read every of your posts. Thankyou. Godbless!

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