Chingay 2014

Saturday, I had to serve in children’s church.
And went to Chingay with Dhanu in the evening!
The pictures are from the back to the front. hehe.
I went Chingay as a helper, but this year i came as a spectator. 😀

The cute pebble art that we made!!

The cute pebble art that we made!!

2014-02-09 00.34.56

cai sheng ye

cai sheng ye

My horoscope! Dog

My horoscope! Dog

2014-02-08 22.37.51

No, it's not on fire, just bright lighting of the stage cause of some performance.

No, it’s not on fire, just bright lighting of the stage cause of some performance.

Dhanu with her goat horoscope

Dhanu with her goat horoscope

Dhanu e monkey

Dhanu e monkey

This is super big, looks like a real temple.. Big enough i think if it's real with doors, there's space for alot of ppl to go in.

This is super big, looks like a real temple.. Big enough i think if it’s real with doors, there’s space for alot of ppl to go in.

2014-02-08 22.32.28

2014-02-08 22.30.14

2014-02-08 22.29.19

2014-02-08 22.28.06

Us at the red-colour section of Chingay. hehe!

Us at the red-colour section of Chingay. hehe!

2014-02-08 21.48.27

Fireworks!! it was too smokey, so the fireworks weren't clear. Yay, i love fireworks! And it was just above us!!

Fireworks!! it was too smokey, so the fireworks weren’t clear. Yay, i love fireworks! And it was just above us!!

2014-02-08 21.44.56

2014-02-08 21.44.49

2014-02-08 21.42.14

Move forward, one people

Move forward, one people

2014-02-08 21.41.08

2014-02-08 21.40.58

Finale of Chingay

Finale of Chingay

2014-02-08 21.32.38

2014-02-08 21.31.54

2014-02-08 21.31.46

This was some gardening community. Haha with fireworks on top!

This was some gardening community. Haha with fireworks on top!

2014-02-08 21.30.38

2014-02-08 21.28.33

2014-02-08 21.27.15

2014-02-08 21.27.07

2014-02-08 21.26.11

Oh these are giant human puppets, kinda freaky looking cause of their giant hands & faces.

Oh these are giant human puppets, kinda freaky looking cause of their giant hands & faces.

CDC. hahaha i just took this pic, cause  they gave me my bursary :p

CDC. hahaha i just took this pic, cause they gave me my bursary :p

2014-02-08 21.24.21

2014-02-08 21.24.11

This is the first time Singapore getai came to Chingay.

This is the first time Singapore getai came to Chingay.

2014-02-08 21.18.07

Ppl from ge tai singing- the lady singing had super high pitch voice.

Ppl from ge tai singing- the lady singing had super high pitch voice.

2014-02-08 21.14.24

Lion dancers!

Lion dancers!

2014-02-08 20.29.36

Gigantic horsey!

Gigantic horsey!

2014-02-08 20.29.04

2014-02-08 20.27.58

2014-02-08 20.27.45

2014-02-08 20.27.35

2014-02-08 20.26.15

2014-02-08 20.20.54

2014-02-08 20.20.42

Can see those 2 horses? They are real, and super pretty!! :)

Can see those 2 horses? They are real, and super pretty!! 🙂

Long queue.  And omg, llao llao (yogurt shop) doesn't provide plastic bag. I had to put it in my baggggg cause i had to take the train.

Long queue.
And omg, llao llao (yogurt shop) doesn’t provide plastic bag. I had to put it in my baggggg cause i had to take the train.

llao llao sanum yogurt

llao llao sanum yogurt

We went River Ang Bao to da bao laksa &
The day ended with a romantic dinner at the riverside of MBS.
Was therapeutic just sitting by the river & chatting til v late. I really enjoyed it 🙂
Thankful to Dhanu’s bro for sending us home!

Hope you guys had a wonderful if not, a chill weekend too. Muacks! 🙂

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