10 reasons why Munjun is single

After seeing facebook spammed with links like:
10 reasons why he likes her..
14 birthday ideas for a girl..
10 reasons why you should date a girl who travels.. ETC,

I decided to write a personal “10 reasons why munjun is single” about myself.
haha just for fun yea?
Here it goes..

“10 reasons why Munjun is single”

1) Afraid to get too close-
Whenever someone gets too close to her, She’d tend to keep a distance.

2) Love triangle-
When a certain person likes her, but sadly she have no feelings for him.
And when she likes someone, he don’t have feelings for her.

3) Timing wrong-
Guys who chased her, tend to give up the moment she likes them.

4) A good liar-
When she like someone and the person likes her, She’d fool herself into thinking she don’t like them.
The guy will think she doesn’t like him and then, moves on.

5) Shy

6) Wants a suitable guy from church
Most people say, any guy from church will do.
But she doesn’t think so.. to her, it’s important for the guy to be spiritually stable & excited then her.

7) Looks is important to a certain extent
She also wants to be with a pleasant/handsome looking guy. hehe.

8) Maturity-
Not old, but mature-THINKING guys.

9) Waiting for true love-
Doesn’t want to jump into just any relationship. But all she wants is just someone who loves her deeply, someone she can see a future with, and not a guy who treats her like just another girl to chase.

10) Time is not right
She choose to believe that love will come someday.

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