
Today marks the last day of Chinese New Year (CNY) hol!
Have school tmr, sobs.

I had an awesome time ice skating with my dearest siminy today.



I got some make-up stuff today too. And my first falsies- (my first time wearing it got judged until i never wore it til now. But now, I shall not care what others think. )


I felt that time seems to fly past so quickly before I can actually slow down to enjoy it.
Time seems to be slipping past WAY TOO FAST.
Seems like there were so many people who were once in my life, once important,
are now no longer in this season of my life.
Which makes me kinda sad once and then.
Which is why i like looking back at photographs as they hold the memories that brings me back to where we were.
And I would miss them once in a while- often actually.
I think it’s a silly wish, but i wish that everyone whom were important to me would always be in every season of my life. But I guess it doesn’t happen that way.

I’m a thinker.

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