Tired girl says hello :)

Really worn out.
I need a break~

TGIF, not? Haha no breaks, just work, school, sleep, serve on sat, and the cycle goes on everyday.
Haha i really can’t wait for CNY to come!!!!!! Cause that’s when work ends. Haha lesson learnt, never to do this ever again. Like ever~ So tired that i dread mornings.

But one good things is that, I’ve finally fulfilled my building fund giving!!!!!!! YIPPYEEEEEEEEE~
Haha I honestly struggled for very longgggg to give. (at least I’m honest)
My flesh was fighting so badly.
Cause after all that slogging, it’s like heart pain to give it away.
Wells, I really placed my trust in God and just trusted and gave just to fulfill that promise I made with God.
Wells, since God is not a promise breaker, I shall not too.
As i build God a house, I’m trusting that God will build mine too.
Though the amount is not like super big, but for me it’s almost everything.
Anyways, I’m glad to have given. Haha a huge stone off my chest at least.
Haha what’s left, I shall find my way to work things out.
Everything will work tgt to those who love Him.

Keep trusting, even when it hurts.
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. 🙂

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