
Everyone seems so busy, 

but i think some actually are busy.. some just think that they are busy, etc~ 

It’s holidays, i don’t get why some can still be super busy. Sobs, it’s hard to meet them up. 

Haha the jobless me need to find a job soon, to fill up my time and to also earn moneyyy. 

What shall i do tmr? I think i will be a guai bao bao.. pack my room and start to find a job. 🙂 

I have been dreaming wierd dreams and i rmb them cause i woke up thinking that my dreams were too ridiculous. And amazingly they are related to what happened during the day. 

On fri i went to Bron’s place and were staring at the frozen worms fed to the fishes.. sat i watched incredible tales before sleeping. Then on sat night, i dreamt that my mum asked me to put worms in the steamboat..?! And another dream was about a haunted umbrella.

 For the past week i had been selling bath mats, and yest night, i dreamt that i was selling bath mats in my dream.. the customer was like lying on the bath mats which were placed on the bed, and i was like trying to promote it saying its very soft and all. 

Here’s a post of my day of blabbers. haha and if you actually read it after seeing the title, you would have spent about 1min of your life reading my nonsense, Yay! 

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